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Dallas World Aquarium

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Photo by kevin dooley


Eunectes murinus
Photo by bcymet

Adaptation:Green Anaconda's have nostrils at the top of their heads to breathe under water

Description:They are the biggest and heaviest snakes on Earth averaging 10-15 feet in length and weighing about 100-150 pounds on average.

Photo by rbglasson

Habitat: The Green anaconda is typically found in swampy or marshy areas mainly in the Amazon

Diet:Green anacondas that are primarily aquatic in nature, generally feed on aquatic and amphibious animals, including mammals, deer, caiman, birds, ducks, turtles, capybaras, crocodiles and fish.
Status:Green Anaconda's are not an endangered species
Interesting fact:The females tend to be larger than the males.
Observation: They are huge in diameter at 12 inches.

Photo by tanakawho


Dendrobates leucomelas
Photo by e_monk

Adaptation:the yellow banded frog has learned to use the poison it takes from the ants it eats and use it as a defense mechanism for itself
Description:they are a mix of yellow black blobs of color. With of course a yellow band
Habitat:Moist or wet, forested, lowland regions
Diet:Their diet consists primarily of ants
Status:The yellow banded poison dart frog is actually not much of a concern due to how easy they breed
Interesting fact: Natives actually use their poison as weapons when put into blow darts
Observation: They are very small. And can fit easily in my hand if wanted to hold one. I doubt I would want to though.

Photo by Russell Ede


Carcharhinus plumbeus
Photo by yeowatzup

Adaptation:since it is typically found in muddy or dirty areas the color of its skin helps it go unnoticed Description:Sandbar sharks usually have heavy-set bodies and rounded snouts that are shorter than the average shark's snout.
Habitat:commonly found over muddy or sandy bottoms in shallow coastal waters such as bays, estuaries, harbors, or the mouths of rivers, but it also swims in deeper waters as well as intertidal zones. Sandbar sharks are found in tropical to temperate waters worldwide
Diet:The sandbar sharks prey on fish, rays, and crabs.
Status:the Brown Shark is not endangered but since reproduction is at a low rate they are definitely at risk.…

Photo by MLursus


Dendrolagus ursinus
Photo by Johnath

Adaptation:They have very short teeth that are sharp so that they can tear off leaves from trees.
Description:The body of the Tree Kangaroo is thick and it can be several shades of brown. They have lighter feet and light areas of the tail. They have a long snout and short ears. Like all Kangaroos it features a pouch on the front of the body for carrying young.

Habitat:The rainforests of New Guineais where most of the Tree Kangaroos are found. They are able to live both in the mountains and low land locations.

Diet:Tree-kangaroos' main diet are leaves and fruit that it can find up in the the trees.Other components of the tree-kangaroos' eating habits are grains, flour, eggs, sap, young birds, and tree bark.

Status:Most tree-kangaroos are considered threatened due to hunting and habitat destruction.
Interesting fact:They do not sweat, to cool off they lick their fore arms and let their saliva evaporate
Observation:Tree-kangaroos are slow and clumsy on the ground. They move at about walking pace and hop awkwardly, leaning their body far forward to balance the heavy tail. But in trees they are bold and agile.


Entacmaea quadricolor
Photo by kin0be

Adaptation:they have small stinging cells to defend themselves from predators
Description:it looks like a regular anemone but it has neon tips on the stinging cells
Habitat:tend to be found in reefs
Status:no endangered
Interesting fact:it's mouth is also it's anus
Observation:It's an anemone, not much activity

Photo by cassimano


Gorgasia preclara
Photo by makitani

Adaptation:their small bodies makes it easier to go and navigate through the sand
Description:very small almost worm like
Habitat:it lives under the surface and sometimes peeks out of the ground
Status:not endangered
Interesting fact:they're found typically in the Maldives
Observation:I see them moving almost taunting the other animals by them.

Photo by tomosuke214

In all honesty I really enjoyed visiting the aquarium. The fact that the variety of animals is so vast makes it a very well rounded experience. I think it's necessary to have an aquarium around because it's a great experience to see all the types of life they have to show

Photo by tomosuke214