develops when the pressures of bearing and shifting your weight fall unevenly on the joints and tendons in your feet
This imbalance in pressure makes your big toe joint unstable, eventually molding the parts of the joint into a hard knob that juts out beyond the normal shape of your foot
A bulging bump on the outside of the base of your big toe
Swelling, redness or soreness around your big toe joint
Thickening of the skin at the base of your big toe
Corns or calluses — these often develop where the first and second toes overlap
Persistent or intermittent pain
Restricted movement of your big toe
Conservative treatment:
Changing shoes. Wear roomy, comfortable shoes that provide plenty of space for your toes. Padding and taping or splinting. Doctor can help you tape and pad your foot in a normal position- reduce stress on the bunion and alleviate your pain.
Applying ice. Icing after you've been on your feet too long can help relieve soreness and inflammation.
Surgical treatment:
Removing the swollen tissue from around your big toe joint.vStraightening your big toe by removing part of the bone
Realigning the long bone between the back part of your foot and your big toe, to straighten out the abnormal angle in the toe joint. Joining the bones of your affected joint permanently
Participate in a conditioning programme in order to develop and strengthen muscles and reduce the change of going over on your joints or spraining or straining them in any way