I work in Memphis at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in the College of Nursing.
I am the Educational Technology coordinator so I don’t actually teach a course, but I teach faculty members how to use technology which can be even more challenging. ☺
My only online teaching experience is building an Online Orientation course which was the first of it’s kind so it was mostly an experiment that will be improved as we learn along the way.
In my Online Orientation course the students are asked to respond to some simple questions in a discussion board that are purposefully superficial.
They are not meant to create a learning environment but rather to introduce non-traditional learners to an LMS discussion board. I also created a forum so all the new students could chat about where they are from, goals, etc.
My main hope for this course being online is that since we currently offer hybrid and face to face programs we would like to limit the amount of time students are “required” to be on campus.