- Identify Thresholds
- Plan Best Options
- Execute Paperwork
- Avoid Fines
- Defeat David Kaiser
Green Building Act of 2006
District Financed Thresholds
Green Construction Code of 2014
Green Construction Code of 2014
10,000 - 50,000 sf Thresholds
Main Options
- LEED - Voluntary
- ASHRAE 189.1 - Technical Content
- IGCC - Code Enforceable
Enterprise Green is an Option for Affordable Housing
National Green Building Standard is an Option for Residential
Show Intent During Design Approvals
Do the Paperwork, under Supervision
Documentation for a 200,000 sf multi-family
Owner Places a Security Deposit ($7.50-$10/sf)
Prove Compliance within 24 months
After 24 months....perpetual fine ($.02/sf until LEED-EB Certified)
Objectives Met
- Identify Thresholds
- Plan Best Options
- Outsource Paperwork
- Avoid Fines