What is peer pressure?
Peer pressure is a really common experience for young people. Peer pressure is when someone influences your decisions around what you should or should not do. Someone you know may try to get you to do something you don't want to do, or they may try to stop you from doing something that you really want to do
Being assertive means that you express yourself and stand up for yourself , while also respecting the rights and beliefs of others.
- expressing your own opinions and feelings
- saying "no" without feeling guilty
- asking for what you want
- Being able to take reasonable risks.
- Choosing not to assert yourself at times when you feel it would be better not to say anything.
Different ways to seek help.
- Don't hesitate
- Leave the scene...make the exit
- Fight peer pressure by taking the side of a underdog
- Find a friend who share the same values and back each other up
- Talk to a teacher a friend, family, counselor...
You can help the people that are bullied by standing up for them or giving them advice, talking to the bullies and telling them to stop, going together to a teacher...
In Ais-r they are a lot of people that can help you if you are being bullied or peer pressured.
EX:Mrs matty, your advisory, the principal, any teacher...
I got my information from the Internet, and I had a small meeting with my mom.