Here are some facts about the company, Mrs.Field's Cookies. The first shop opened in Palo Alto, California. The HQ is located in Broomfield Colorado. The company started on August 16, 1977. The logo is Mrs.Fields.
The company started by a dream of Mrs.Fields. Which was to make good cookies with real ingredients. She got a loan from the bank to start her business. The 1st day after several hours in the shop with no sales she went to the streets and offered samples to try and make some money. At the end of the day she made $75.
She made a cook book called "I Love Chocolate"and many others. Her company employs over 5000 people. She changed her company name from Mrs.Field's Chocolate Chippery to Mrs.Field's Cookies. She did not come from a rich family. Her employees suggested that she should expand.