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Deciduous Forests

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Deciduous Forests

Deciduous forests are classified by the types of trees that are located there. Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the winter.

Photo by Jeff Kubina

Biotic Factors

Photo by kthypryn

Animals- White tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
The white tailed deer is the smallest of the deer family. The mammal life span is 6-14 years. The name comes from the color that is on the underside of its tail that you can see when it wags.

Beaver- (Castor canadensis) The average life span is about 24 years. They are some of the biggest rodents. Beavers are second next to humans to manipulating their environment.

Photo by laszlo-photo

Insects-Asian Long horned Beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis). These critters are the reason behind trees dying. They are like the pine beetle but target more than just pine trees.

Photo by heathergm

Decomposers -Tawny Milkcap mushrooms (Lactarius volemus). These mushrooms are decomposers and are the most common one in deciduous forests. It feeds many kinds of animals and is safe for a human to eat.

Food web

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Abiotic factors

Abiotic Factors

  • Rocks
  • soil (nutrients)
  • air (oxygen)
  • sunlight
  • Water (snow,rian,runoff, lakes,Humidity)

Abiotic factors cont.

  • wind
  • Tempeture
  • plant litter 

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Human Impact
Acid Rain- Chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers get into the runoff from the mountains. Through the water cycle, these chemicals make their way into the water vapor and rain down back to the Earth. The acid rain harms the trees, specifically their leaves because it slows the reproduction of seeds. The rain also decays the trees, making them weaker.

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Notable features

  • The average tempeture is 50°F
  • The average rain fall is 30-60 inches in a year
  • 5 Different layers 
  • 1st layer: Tree stratum zone (bigger trees)  
  • 2nd Layer: small and saping trees.

Notable features

  • The average tempeture is 50°F
  • The average rain fall is 30-60 inches in a year
  • 5 Different layers 
  • 1st layer: Tree stratum zone (bigger trees)  
  • 2nd Layer: small and saping trees.

Notable features Cont.

  • 3rd: Shrubs level
  • 4th: herb zone
  • 5th: ground level 
  • Trees lean toward the sun to get nutrients 



  • Add fi"Beavers." National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.rst list item here