Deck for Student Use

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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To explore more deeply...

Photo by Derek Keats

Google Presentation

Click on this link for useful information to get you started with Google Presentation.
Photo by Bobbi Newman


Here you'll find a tutorial for getting started with Prezi. Click on the link below:

Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck help can be accessed using the link below. Remember, the fun feature is a compelling image with a splash of text.
Photo by kleneway1379

Untitled Slide

Google Sites has many tutorials available. Here is one place to visit to get you started.
Photo by jenhegna1

Weebly Website Creator

Weebly may be above and beyond what most site creators need and want; many businesses use Weebly for its complex features, but... upgraded packages are required and a student may not want to make that investment. Here is a link to more info. about Weebly:

Stephanie DiLena

Haiku Deck Pro User