Decline of Roman Republic

Published on Feb 05, 2018

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Rome Expands

Rome ultimately destroys Carthage by the end of the Punic Wars

Rome no longer had to compete with Carthage for trade, and expanded their territory into Africa, Asia, and Western Europe

Over the next 100 years, Rome to dominated the Mediterranean basin, leading to the diffusion of Roman culture.

Roman Culture

  • Language: Latin (Romance Languages)
  • Religion: Roman mythology (later Christianity)
  • Law: The Twelve Tables ("Innocent until proven guilty"
  • Art and architecture: Pantheon, Colosseum, Forum

Roman Science and Technology

  • Technology: Roads, aqueducts, Roman arches
  • Science: Achievements of Ptolemy (astronomy, mathematics, made one of the first accurate maps, etc.)
  • Medicine: Emphasis on public health (public baths, public water systems, medical schools)

However, the Republic eventually starts loosing control

Reasons for instability

  • Slaves replaced farmers; unemployment rose
  • Large numbers of farmers then moved to the cities
  • Civil Wars take over

As a result, a new leader named Gaius Julius Caesar attempts to seize power

He makes and alliance with famous General (Pompey the Great) and wealthy aristocrat (Marcus Licinius Crassus) to take control of Rome

The become the first "triumvirate"

Casey Nagy

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