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Going online on a personal device each time to check if they have received any order or not, this is complicated and time consuming and not even something that most of the merchants understand.
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Decoding E-commerce for merchants

E-commerce penetration is limited due to the gap between merchants inability to handle internet versus the growing consumer ability to be dependent on the internet for their day to day needs. We just aim to bridge that gap.



Decoding Internet Commerce for Merchants
Going online on a personal device each time to check if they have received any order or not, this is complicated and time consuming and not even something that most of the merchants understand.


Aggregating and printing all orders and labels through a custom POS thermal printer.
Automated printing of a Parchi, whenever a merchant receives order. A Parchi(order slip) is something that every merchant understands.
Photo by alexbrn


  • Automated online order and label printing independant of the sources.
  • Save time for the merchants who do no want to be tied up every time to the internet, email or their phone devices.
  • No need for getting an internet connection or worrying about maintaining one.
The problem is worth solving to free up merchants, make their lives easier and increase commerce adoption over the internet.
Same merchant connected to 10 companies , each providing him a different source of information, creates huge confusion and complexity.
No standardized way or flow of information to the merchant, in a language that he understands.


  • All the merchants who want to automate and scale up their online sales, without investing much time and money in team or technology
Merchants with limited capacity to increase operational costs on team and infrastructure, but need an easy way to accept, manage and fulfill online orders, irrespective of channels.Use cases include, restaurants, parking contractors, furniture stores, virtually anyone who wants to start selling online.
Photo by Jeremy Brooks


  • Extensive POS integration experience, having worked for large scale banks for their core banking and hardware implementations in the past
  • Founder Manish has worked with Oracle in different countries and went to NUS and Otago for his MBA.
  • Co-founder Shashank worked with Oracle and Goldman in the past.
We have what it takes , to make it happen.Dedicating our time and have a clear vision to build an infrastructure needed for e-commerce penetration
Photo by Poe Tatum


  • We have a complete product ready
  • Looking keenly for partnerships
  • Product can instantly be wired to work for multiple use cases.
  • Currently working with a parking contractor very closely to automate 70 parking areas over delhi with our solution
  • Built a solid relationship with the manufacturer in china to be able to fulfill the capacity and scale quickly , at a cost that no one currently in the market can.
Photo by Daniel*1977


We look forward to working with you and ready for a live demo
Photo by ecstaticist


Kindly let us know if you have any queries
Actively looking for partners and investors , to take this forward and help build a backend infrastructure that all e commerce companies can leverage upon. We visualize this infra same as what Mobile phone towers are today, Single tower is used by multiple phone companies which ensures scales and efficiency. We intend to do the same for internet commerce