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Defining A Moment

Published on Dec 16, 2015

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Defining A Moment

Intro to Writing A Personal Narrative
Photo by <Fernando>

-a particular point in time

- an indefinitely short amount of time (in a bit)

-here and now: at this exact time: "she is studying at the moment"

Write a definition for moment in your own words.

Choose one of the following quotes. Write a three sentence reflection on the quote.

Photo by NJ..

“We do not remember days, we remember moments.”

“Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed.”

“Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments.”

“We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand ... and melting like a snowflake. Let us use it before it is too late.”

Daily we all have countless “moments” but only a few stand out as important enough to remember. What are your important moments? What stands out for you? Record the following moments from your life:

Your Moments

Photo by Sabor Digital

a moment when you were proud of someone else

a moment when you were proud of yourself

a moment of celebration

a sad moment

a moment worth re-watching on video

Photo by @Doug88888

a moment of hope

a hurtful moment

a bad romance moment

a moment you felt accepted

the moment you knew love

Photo by John Kratz

the moment you learned/gave/received forgiveness

the moment you learned your most valued lesson

the moment you lost something of value

the moment you stopped trusting someone close to you

an animal moment

a moment when you fought and won

a moment when you fought and lost

a moment you knew you were not alone

a moment you made a friend

a moment you believed

Photo by marcp_dmoz

Look at your list. Decide which moment is your MOST MEMORABLE MOMENT.
Draw a detailed picture to represent your chosen moment.

Photo by Adam Melancon