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Published on Sep 23, 2019

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 by johnathan 

The colony. The Dutch founded the first European settlement in Delaware at Lewes (then called Zwaanendael) in 1631. settlement after a disagreement between the two groups.

They quickly set up a trade-in beaver furs with the Native Americans, who within a short time raided and destroyed the

Delaware had a widely mixed economy based on the different industries it had. Delaware had fertile land that was great for agriculture

Photo by kevin dooley

Grain, Rice, and Indigo were commonly grown and harvested amongst the colonists. Delaware was vastly covered in forests as well, which made the lumber industry a thriving one

Photo by kendoman26

The Delaware Colony was named after its major river the Delaware River, which was named after Sir Thomas West, also known as Lord de la Warr, one of Virginia Colony's early governors.

Interesting Delaware Colony Facts: Major religious groups in the Delaware Colony included Quakers, Catholics, Jews, and Lutherans.

Christianity is by far the largest religion in Delaware. These Christians identify themselves as either Protestant, Catholics or Mormons.

More than half the Christians are Protestants, 23% are Catholic, and 2% are Mormon

Delaware, a small Mid-Atlantic U.S. state, sits on a peninsula marked by dune-backed beaches bordering the Atlantic Ocean, Delaware River and Delaware Bay.

In Dover, the capital, First State Heritage Park encompasses 18th-century Colonial landmarks like the Georgian-style Old State House. The city of Wilmington is known for the Riverfront, a waterside district of parks, boutiques and restaurants.

Delaware was the first state to ratify the United States constitution.
Delaware shares a semi-circular border with Pennsylvania

The nation's first scheduled steam railroad began in New Castle in 1831.

The United States battleship Delaware was commissioned in 1910.


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