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Delhi Sultans

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by busymonster


Photo by StuartWebster

 Acquaint themselves with the five different dynasties founded by different rulers.

 Acquire knowledge about the administrative policies and role of the Sultans.
 Critically analyze the causes that led to the downfall of the Delhi Sultanate and the rise of the new kingdoms.

 Appreciate the teachings of the saints in maintaining the social equality in the society.

Photo by souvikmaitra

 Understand strategies of military control and resource mobilization.

 Illustrate how travelers’ accounts, court chronicles and historic building are used to writehistory.

 Evaluate the development of new art, architecture, music, language and literature during this period.

Photo by martinak15


 Students generally think that the Qutub Minar was built by Qutub-ud-din Aibak where as he only laid the foundation and the construction was completed by his son – in – law Iltutmish.

 Students often get confused between the different rulers from various dynasties during this period.

 They misunderstand the religious thought preached in the medieval period. Hence more emphasis must be given on devotion


 The students of music will understand and appreciate the importance of Tabla and Sarangi (musical instruments) invented during the Delhi Sultanate.

 Market reforms introduced by Alauddin Khilji can be linked with economics.

 English – Students can write articles on how women struggled for power and success.  Debating skills on gender discrimination can be harnessed.

Photo by vl8189


Photo by Larah McElroy

The Delhi Sultanate (دلی سلطنت), or Sulthanath-e-Hind (سلطنتِ ہند) / Sulthanath-e-Dilli (سلطنتِ دلی) were the Persian-speaking dynasties, of Turkic and Afghan origin, which were controlling India from 1210 to 1526. Many of these dynasties ruled from Delhi. This includes the Slave dynasty (1206-90), the Khilji dynasty (1290-1320), the Tughlaq dynasty (1320-1413), the Sayyid dynasty (1414-51), and the Lodi dynasty (1451-1526). Later on, after India fell to the Mughals, there was again a brief period when Humayun, son of the Mughal Babur and father of Akbar the Great, was deposed by the Pathan Suri dynasty who enjoyed a short rule then, before Humayun was reinstated in 1555.

Photo by mohammadali


Photo by VinothChandar

Sultans of Delhi
Mameluke, or Slave dynasty (1206 - 1290)
Khilji (Khalji) dynasty (1290 - 1320)
Tughlaq dynasty (1321 - 1398)
Sayyid (Syed) Dynasty (1414 - 1451)
Lodi (Lodhi) dynasty (1451 - 1526)
Suri, or Sur dynasty (1540 - 1555)

Photo by Sam Ilić


Photo by jackol

Which direction do the muslims face during their prayer?

Photo by R. Mitra

The Muslims face towards the west during their prayer.They do so because Mecca is located in the west of India.

Which ruler first made delhi his capital?

Photo by djwtwo

Delhi was first made the capital of a kingdom under the Tomara Rajputs.

From which country did Ibn Battuta come?

Ibn Battuta was an Islamic scholar from Morocco who travelled to different countries

Photo by Hamed Saber

Who was the successor of Muhammad Bin Tughlaq?

Photo by parth joshi

Firoz Shah Tughlaq was the successor of Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Photo by ndinneen

Which type of tax was Kharaj?

Photo by DeeAshley

Kharaj was tax on cultivation or agriculture that was made up of about 50% of the peasants produce.

Photo by Feans

Who leads the Namaz?

Photo by abrinsky

Namaz is lead by an Imam who is the most learned and respected male

Photo by Kumaravel

When did Delhi become an important city?

Photo by marsmet543

It was in the 12th century CE that Delhi became an important city

Photo by kevin dooley

Who were the authors of "tawarikh"?

'Tawarikh' were written by learned men,secretaries,
administrators, poets and authors.

Photo by skoeber

Which mosque was enlarged by iltutmish and Alauddin Khalji?

The mosque enlarged by Iltutmish and Alauddin Khalji was Quwwat al Islam

Define the 'clients'

Photo by Alex Ristea

Someone who is under the protection of another-a dependant.

Photo by Andy Magee

Which language was used during the sultanate period?

Persian language

Prayers recited by the Muslims

Photo by yeowatzup

What was the advice given to the rulers by the authors of tawarikh?

Photo by Acizane

Governance,stressing the importance of just rule

Photo by Nomadic Lass

Which dynasty ruled after the Sayyid dynasty?

Photo by Nagarjun

Lodi dynasty

Photo by -Reji

Who was the only woman monarch of Delhi?

Photo by lisby1

Razziya Sultan

Photo by Thomas Hawk


  • He was the first slave of Delhi Sultanate
  • She was the first women ruler of Delhi Sultanate
  • This delhi Sultan wanted to conquer the world
  • This was the main mosque of Jahanpanah
Photo by varunshiv


  • Qutubuddin Aibak
  • Razziya Sultan
  • Alauddin Khalji
  • Begampuri mosque
Photo by victor_nuno


  • Delhiwal-coins minted in Delhi
  • Chauhans-Rajput Dynasty
  • Shamsuddin iltutmish-Early Turkish Ruler


  • Sanctuary of the world-Jahanpanah
  • Ibn Battuta-14th century traveller
  • Genghis khan-Mongol invader
Photo by VinothChandar


Photo by Leo Reynolds

The relationship between a king and his subjects is like a "circle of justice".Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons.

Photo by Scott*

Yes,as mentioned in the account made by Fakhri-e-mudabbir a king cannot survive without soldiers,and soldiers cannot live without salaries.Salaries come from the revenue collected from peasants.But peasants can only pay revenue when they are prosperous and happy.This happens when the king promotes justice and honest governance.Therefore it is cyclic and interdependent where each party influences the other.

Photo by rjhuttondfw

Write a short note on 'the Masjid'.

Photo by mfakhrul

A mosque is called a masjid in Arabic,literally a place where a Muslim prostrates in reverence to Allah.In a "congregational mosque".Muslims read their prayer(Namaz)together.
Members of the congregation choose the most respected,learned male as their leader for the Friday prayer.During prayer,Muslims stand facing Mecca.In India this is to the west.This is called Qibla.

Photo by д§mд

'The Delhi Sultans built several mosques in cities all over the subcontinent'.Give reasons.

Photo by -Reji

The Delhi Sultans built several mosques in cities all over the subcontinent.These demonstrated their claims to be protectors of Islam and Muslims.Mosques also helped to create the sense of a community of believers who shared a belief system and a code of conduct.It was necessary to reinforce this idea of a community because Muslims came from a variety of backgrounds.

Photo by Swamibu

'Razziya,the Sultan of Delhi Sultanate was dethroned because she was a women'.Why did this event occur?Do you think this was a correct thing to do?

Razziya Sultan was dethroned as,though she was more qualified as compared to her brothers,Iltutmish was not comfortable with the fact of having a queen as a ruler.Nor were the nobles very happy at her attempts to rule independently.She was removed from the throne in 1240.No,this was not something correct to do,as all what the citizens of the kingdom seek for,is a ruler who fulfils the needs of a common man and carries out law and order throughout the kingdom.It does not make a difference whether it is a king or a queen.

Photo by kevin dooley

Although inscriptions, coins and architecture provide a lot of information,but tarikh/tawarik are extremely valuable'. Comment.

Photo by nikoretro

Although inscriptions, coins and architecture provide a lot of information,tawarikh play a very significant role as they are written documents that tell us about the social and political affairs of the Delhi Sultanate.

Describe the ways in which the chieftains arranged for their defence.

Photo by David Cory

Chieftains sometimes fortified themselves in mountains,in rocky,uneven and rugged places as well as in bamboo groves.In India the bamboos were not hollow,they were on the whole very strong.The chieftains lived in these forests which served as ramparts,inside which were their cattle and their crops.There was also water for them within,that was,rain water which collected there.Hence they could not be subdued except by powerful armies,who entered these and cut down the bamboos with specially prepared instruments.

Photo by simononly

Why was Ziyauddin Barani critical of Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq?

Photo by Great Beyond

Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq appointed Aziz Khummar,a wine distiller,Firuz Hajjam,a barber,Manka Tabbakh,a cook and two gardeners,Ladha and Pira,to high administrative posts.Ziyauddin Barani,a mid-fourteenth-century chronicler,reported their appointments as a sign of the Sultan's loss of political judgement and his incapacity to rule


What is shown in the above picture? Who built it and when ?

Photo by wili_hybrid

Quwwat-al-Islam mosque and minaret built during the last decade of the twelfth century.This was the congregational mosque of the first city built by the Delhi Sultans described in the chronicles of Delhi-I-kuhna.The mosque was enlarged by Iltutmish and Alauddinn Khalji.The minar was built by two sultans:Qutubbudin Aibak and Iltutmish.

Photo by marcp_dmoz

Muhammad Tughlaq was known as the "Man Of Ideas" but a failure as an administrator. Elucidate

Photo by Auzigog

When Muhammad Tughluq attacked Transoxiana rather than constructing a new garrison town , he told the people of Delhi to shift to Daulatabad in the south. He then gave up his plans to invade Tranasoxiana and disbanded his large army ,due to the shifting to Daulatabad people resented.
To feed army he started collecting produce as tax but this unfortunately coincided with famine in Ganga-Yamuna belt. This lead to widespread rebels among the people.
He also did not fix any rate of tax .

When Muhammad Tughluq had to pay his soliders cash salaries instead of controlling prices ,he started making “token currency” made out of cheap metals not being gold or silver this currency could be easily counterfeited. So people saved their gold and silver coins and used this cheap currency to pay their taxes. So finally this currency had to be recalled.
From the above instances we can say that Muhammad Tughluq was man of idea but he failed as an administrator.

Photo by Ryan Somma

Compare the administration techniques of the earlier Sultans with the Khalji and Tughlaq monarchs.

Photo by Ray Bouknight

3) 1.
Earlier Sultans appointed military commanders as governers of their territories called iqta and they were called Iqtadar or Muqti the duty of Muqti was to lead military campaigns and maintain law and order in their Iqtas. In exchange they were allowed to collect revenues as salaries. But in the reigns of khalji and tughluq . Accountants were appointed by the state government to check the amount of revenue collected by the Muqtis. Thus it was ensured that muqtis collected taxes as prescribed by the state and kept required number of solidiers.

Photo by bill barber

Delhi sultans brought hinterland of the cities under their control and appointed rich landlords and chieftains to collect revenue on their behalf. But in reign of Alauddin Khalji the assessment and collection of taxes was brought under the control of state. The rights of chieftains to levy taxes were cancelled and they were also forced to pay taxes .sultans administrators measured the land and kept careful accounts. Thus we can say khalji and tughluq monarchs were better administrators than earlier sultans.

Differentiate between Alauddin Khalji and Muhammad Tughlaq

Photo by Ken-ichi


1.He constructed new garrison town named siri for his soldiers

2.He fixed rate of tax on the peasant yield and collected taxes to feed his army

3.He controlled prices of goods and ensured that merchants sold their goods to soldiers at prescribed rate.


1.He constructed new garrison town named siri for his soldiers
He made delhi as garrison town ,so that people of delhi had to shift to new capital of daulatabad in south.

2.Muhammud Tughluq
He constructed new garrison town named siri for his soldiers
He made delhi as garrison town ,so that people of delhi had to shift to new capital of daulatabad in south.

Photo by VinothChandar

Instead of controlling prices he made “token currency” made out of cheap metals. So people saved their gold and silver coins and used these cheap currency to pay their taxes. This currency could be easily counterfeited.

Describe the idea of 'the three orders'

Photo by sacks08

The idea of the "Three orders" was first formulated in France in the early eleventh century.It divided the society into three classes:those who prayed,those who fought,and those who tilled the land.The division of society into " three orders" was supported by the church to consolidate its dominant role in society.Thos helped the emergence of a new warrior group called Knights

Razziya Sultan was unique in the history of Delhi Sultanate.Do you think woman are accepted more readily today?

Photo by 5of7

The status of women in India has been subject to many great changes over the past few millennia.From equal status with men in ancient times through the low points of the medieval period,to the promotion of equal rights by many reformers,the history of women in India has been eventful.In modern India,women have held high offices in India including that of the president,prime minister,speaker of lok sabha and leader of the opposition

Why were the Delhi Sultans interested in cutting down trees?Does deforestation occur for the same reason today?

Photo by H Dragon

Delhi sultans were interested in cutting down trees because they wanted to encourage agriculture on land,whereas now we cut down trees for open area where we can build houses for the growing population and provide them with necessary facilities

Photo by mohammadali


Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • Delhi
  • Chittor
  • Somnath
  • Thanjavur
  • Madurai And Dwarasamudra
Photo by VinothChandar


  • Khutba
  • Tawarikh
  • Iqta
  • Firoz Shah
  • Siri
Photo by Greg Marshall


  • Muqti
  • Ibn
Photo by Ashtyn Renee


  • Garrison
  • Didda
  • Raziyya
  • Imam


  • Kharaj
  • Alauddin
  • France
Photo by * RICCIO