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Good Afternoon Professor and class. I am Angela Melchionno. I will be talking about the Dennegar Liability case today.

Dennegar Liability

Published on Jun 02, 2019

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Dennegar Liability

By Angela Melchionno
Good Afternoon Professor and class. I am Angela Melchionno. I will be talking about the Dennegar Liability case today.


  • Introduction
  • Relationship
  • Contract Liability
  • Agency Law
  • Summary
  • References
Here is the agenda of what I will discuss. First, an introduction of the case. I will then talk about the relationship between parties. Next, I will talk about contract liability followed by agency law. Finally, I will conclude with a summary followed by the references.
Photo by KJGarbutt


  • Dennegar allowed Knutson to handle financial affairs
  • Knutson passed away with unpaid charges on credit
  • Dennegar's liability for charges as he was the cardholder
The introduction.
Dennegar allowed Knutson to handle all financial affairs that occurred.
When Knutson passed away, there was over $14,000 worth of charges on a credit card in Dennegar's name
Therefore, holding Dennegar liable for all the charges as he was the cardholder.
Photo by KJGarbutt


  • Dennegar assigned Knutson to be the legal representative of financial affairs
  • Put Dennegar in legally substantial risk and exposure (Scordato, 2004)
  • Dennegar put Knutson in a position to abuse his authority
Dennegar and Knustson's relationship.
Dennegar assigned Knutson to be the legal representative of financial affairs
This put Dennegar in legally substantial risk and exposure (Scordata, 2004).
Dennegar knowingly put Knutson in a position to abuse his authority. Thus, taking on any responsibility if Knutson were to actually abuse the power of handling the financial affairs.
Photo by KJGarbutt

Contract Liability

  • There was offer, acceptance and consideration which constitutes a contract (Barry, 1992)
  • Dennegar allowed Knutson to make finanical decisions
  • Therefore, the contract was binding which holds Dennegar liable
Contract Liability
Between the two parties, there was an offer, acceptance and consideration was made which constitutes a contract (Barry, 1992).
Denneagar allowed Knutson to make all financial decisions.
Therefore, the contract was binding which holds Dennegar liable
Photo by KJGarbutt

Agency Law

  • Relationship between principal and agent
  • Principal must accept responsibility for the agents actions even if they act outside the actual or express authority ("Travel Trade Gazette", 2009)
  • Express authority, Dennegar gave Knustson oral consent (Sherman, 2010)
  • Dennagar needed to accept responsibility for all of Knutson's actions
Agency Law
There was a relationship between the principal, Dennegar, and the agent, Knutson.
The principal must accept responsibility for the agents actions even if they act outside the actual or express authority ("Travel Trade Gazette", 2009).
The Express authority was orally given from Dennegar to Knutson (Sherman, 2010).
Dennegar needed to accept responsibility for all of Knutson's actions, even if they were considered poor financial decisions according to Dennegar.
Photo by KJGarbutt


  • Dennegar should be held liable for the financial debt that Knutson left
  • Terms of the relationship
  • An oral contract was created
  • There was express authority through the principal and the agent
To conclude, Dennegar should be held liable for the financial debt that Knutson had left before his passing.
The terms of the relationship between the two parties left Knutson responsible for all financial matters.
There was an oral contract created.
There was express authority as Dennegar the principal and Knutson the agent to handle finances.
Photo by KJGarbutt


Barry, M. (1992). Law of contract. Credit Control, 13(4), 14. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/208172693?accountid=33575

LETTER: A response from abta: Defining agency law. (2009). TTG, Travel Trade Gazette, U.K.and Ireland, , 29. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/235894208?accountid=33575

Scordato, M. R. (2004). EVIDENTIARY SURROGACY AND RISK ALLOCATION: UNDERSTANDING IMPUTED KNOWLEDGE AND NOTICE IN MODERN AGENCY LAW. Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law, 10(1), 129-166. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/89069024?accountid=33575

Sherman, A. (2010, Nov 18). DEAN CANNON SAYS STATE SUPREME COURT LACKS "EXPRESS AUTHORITY" TO STRIKE THE LEGISLATURE'S PROPOSED AMENDMENTS. St.Petersburg Times Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/807428287?accountid=33575
Photo by KJGarbutt

Angela Melchionno

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