Deponent Verbs
- "de" + "pono"
- they are always passive verbs
- they only have 3 pp in dictionary entry
- ex) loquor, loqui, loctus sum
You know the conjugation by the second principal part
- 1st cong - long A (conor, conAri)
- 2nd cong - long E (vereor, verEri)
- 3rd cong - short E sound (loquor, loquI)
- 3io cong - short E sound and ior in 1pp
- 4 cong - long i in 2 pp and ior in 1st
We use passive endings to conjugate
Conjugate by -ri of 2pp and add endings
- conor (I try)
- conaris (you try)
- conatur (he tries)
- conamur (we try)
- conamini (y'all try), conantur (they try)
*** 3 "io" has some exceptions
- The stems are a little different
- 1st singular - 1 pp
- 2nd sing - -i, +e, +endings
- 3rd sing, 1 and 2 plural - 2pp +endings
- 3rd plural - 2 pp -i +u +endings
- loquor
- loqueris
- loquitur
- loquimur , loquimini
- loquuntur
- + BA
- +passive endings
- verebatur
- he/ she fears
- for 1/2 declension words
- +bo, bi, bu and passive endings
- for 3rd declension words
- +a, e and passive endings
- verebitur/ he/she will fear
- 3rd pp
- add sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt
- veritus est
- he/she has feared
- 3rd pp
- add eram, eras, erat, eramus, eratis, erant
- veritus erat
- he/she had feared
Future perfect
- 3 pp
- Add ero eris erit erimus eritis erunt
- veritus erit
- he/she will have feared