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Destruction of Coral reef by Alex Kelly and Sedona Falco. Coral reef destruction is bleaching away animal life.
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Destruction of the Coral Reefs

Published on Apr 03, 2016

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Destruction of the Coral Reefs

Bleaching away animal life
Destruction of Coral reef by Alex Kelly and Sedona Falco. Coral reef destruction is bleaching away animal life.
Photo by arturodonate

Corals are very sensitive and usually grow in waters that are very low in nutrients. Pollution of high nutrients usually kill the corals.This is do to the fact that in low nutrient water seaweed does not grow at the same rate as in high nutrient water.

Corals are very sensitive and usually grow in waters that are very low in nutrients. Pollution of high nutrients usually kill the corals.This is do to the fact that in low nutrient water seaweed does not grow at the same rate as in high nutrient water.
Photo by theirhistory


The carbon that is polluting the air the water becomes more acidic. This kills majority of the biotic factors in the reef.

Chemical Pollution

When marine life is exposed to oil, gasoline, or anything harmful, they get diseases, temperature extremes, pest outbreaks, and tropical cyclones.

Marine Life

The human activity had been affecting marine life for a very long time. As divers are pouring poisons among the reef and ripping the coral to catch the fish, they are making it easier on themselves to sell and make profit on the fish. This completely destroys the habitat because of the poison and the divers harsh treatment of the coral.
Photo by the_tahoe_guy

Impact on the Marine Life

Impacts the Marine Life because their home is being destroyed. They know have no place to live because humans are killing the coral where there are animals houses. The animals cannot do anything about it. All they can do is find another reef until that one is destroyed.

Future Impacts

The future will be impacted because it is very hard to stop the pollution and people are breaking the rules and still poisoning the fish. Also by the loss of that has already happened, it would take a very long time to grow back.


This is a problem all over the world but it is a big problem in the Philippines. They sell the fish they catch to restaurants in Asia and to pet stores in the United States. If only the diver caught the fish in a gentle manner, they would not hurt the coral.


In St.Thomas the local people told tourist to use minimal sunscreen because the sunscreen affected the coral reefs. The chemicals inside the sunscreen cause the reefs to bleach and turn white, then die. Many people wear sun shirts or UV shirts which have a SPF of 50. These are lightweight shirt that protect the coral and protect you from the sun. The local people are pushing toward wearing the UV shirts so they can protect the coral reefs.

A coral reef,
The perfect image of beauty,
Slowly demolished by humans,
Dying damaged deliberately.

A coral reef,
The perfect image of beauty,
Slowly demolished by humans,
Dying damaged deliberately.
One more reef damaged,
Begging for help in pain,
Crying out for us to hear.
As beautiful as the ocean itself,
As complex as a maze,
As caring as a brand new mother,
The coral reef lies in pain.
The destruction will never stop,
But perseverance is the key,
And some day, some day,
The world will once again live in peace.


Changes need to come or else coral reefs will be gone forever. Changes are vital in order for coral reefs to survival in the harsh waters.

Government Changes

Companies can use food products that use organic or ecological fertilizer. Although fertilizer sounds irrelevant to coral reef destruction, the fertilizer actually gets into the water system and pollutes the ocean. In addition, people must dispose of their trash correctly. If they don't it pollutes the oceans and kills coral reefs and fish


Educated the public about Coral destruction so people can see how selfish and uncaring humans actually are.

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Educated the public about Coral destruction so people can see how selfish and uncaring humans actually are.

Love the Reefs!

Marine life is dieing because of careless human acts to better themselves. We need to start thinking about marine life and not ourselves all the time.