Developing Evaluation Questions

Published on Oct 09, 2023

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Developing Evaluation Questions

Developing questions for your evaluation, it is important to focus on the specific objectives you are trying to measure

Photo by Anne Nygård

Evaluation questions should be created so that they reflect not only the purpose of the evaluation but also the priorities and needs of the stakeholders involved in the evaluation.

Photo by Paul Keller

Evaluation Questions Should be

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Timely
Photo by aMichiganMom

Tips for collecting feedback

Photo by Kelly Sikkema

Collecting Feedback

  • Encourage to finish before program completion
  • Talk about the importance of the evaluation
  • Incentives - if possible
Photo by quacktaculous

Collecting Feedback

  • Include the purpose
  • Clear and specific questions
  • Close and open ended
Photo by quacktaculous

Collecting Feedback

  • Likert Scale
  • Avoid leading questions
  • Demographics
  • Short
Photo by quacktaculous

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  • Write evaluation questions with your stakeholders. Use the logic model
  • Brainstorm Evaluation Questions
  • Classify your questions into different categories
  • Questions should be prioritized for evaluation
Photo by Jon Tyson

Crafting Evaluation Questions

  • Purpose
  • What data do you want to collect
  • Tailor to different groups
Photo by wonderferret

Evaluation questions can be qualitative or quantitative in nature and should be designed to measure the effectiveness of the intervention and its impact on the target population.

Photo by William Warby

Dual Approach

  • Qualitative - open ended questions - subjective experience
  • Quantitative - closed end questions -direct outcomes
Photo by Padre Denny

Types of Evaluation Questions

3 Types of Evaluation Questions

  • Descriptive - What is?
  • What are the primary activities of the program?
  • What do stakeholder groups see as the goals of the program?
  • Where has the program been implemented?
Photo by AbsolutVision

3 Types of Evaluation Questions

  • Normative - ” Comparisons of “what is” to “what should be”
  • To what extent was the program gender equitable?
  • Did the project spend as much as was budgeted?
  • To what extent was the budget spent efficiently?
Photo by AbsolutVision

3 Types of Evaluation Questions

  • Cause and Effect - Identify if results have been achieved due to the intervention
  • Did the three-country partnership strategy preserve the biodiversity of the affected area while sustaining livelihoods?
  • As a result of the job training program, do participants have higher-paying jobs than they otherwise would have?
Photo by AbsolutVision

Evaluation Standards

Photo by Kelly Sikkema


  • Keeping an eye toward focusing the evaluation so it will serve the needs of the intended stakeholders
  • Who needs the information from this evaluation and how will they use it?
Photo by wu yi


  • Ensuring planned activities and steps fit within the time, resources and constraints of the real-world evaluation—In short, are they realistic given the resources available.
  • How much money, time, skill, and effort can be devoted to this evaluation?


  • These standards safeguard the welfare of those involved in the evaluation as well as those who will be impacted by the results. Evaluations should be conducted ethically and legally.
  • Who needs to be involved in the evaluation to be ethical?
  • Evaluations should be conducted ethically and legally.
Photo by psd


  • Ensuring the evaluation will be focused on conveying the proper types and breadth of information to come to some conclusions and determinations regarding the worth of the program
  • What design will lead to accurate information?
Photo by Ricardo Arce

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Heather Alberda

Haiku Deck Pro User