Dialect has many ways of impacting a novel. It helps get you into the time period, lifestyle, or region. It helps you understand who, what, when, and sometimes why. All with just a country accent, Irish, French, or Scottish accent.
Dialect has many ways of impacting a novel. It helps get you into the time period, lifestyle, or region. It helps you understand who, what, when, and sometimes why. All with just a country accent, Irish, French, or Scottish accent.
Dialect is the way a person from a specific area or region talks. Whether it's a person from America, China, Australia, Italy, or France, we all have different dialects. If someone from another country where they don't speak English were to come to America and learn English, they would have an accent, along with out language.
Some authors use them to lighten up the mood of the book, sometimes dialect is used when someone was teasing another in a group of friends in a novel. Sometimes it's used as a teasing factor just to be mean, and sometimes it's just used to emphasize the time period or the setting of the novel.
Authors usually use syllables to make normal, every day words sound like words from a different country or region. Sometimes, the author makes you use your imagination and they just say what kinda of accent the character has, and lets you imagine what it sounds like as they speak with others in the book.
Authors will use dialect any time, but mostly when someone is being teased, or when they want to emphasize the time period or region the novel is set in.
Mr. Watson was making fun of Mrs. Watson when he used dialect most of the time in the book. Making fun of Wilona, changing all their names to "Hick names" and also listening to country music, even though he said that he would never listen to country music.
With Wilona being from Alabama, she has a very different dialect than the rest of the Watsons. Sometimes it shows more than usual, but it's usually there, but just barely. Her accent thickens when she gets down to Alabama and talks to her mom and everyone down there. It's like her being in the place where she grew up just unleashed something inside of her, making her go full-out Alabama woman.