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Published on Nov 23, 2015




By Maddy Monnin & Jade Inman

Dictators are people who have complete control. They have control over the government the people and the way things are ran.

Photo by chimerasaurus

Some famous dictators are Adolf Hitler Who was the dictator of Germany and later took over France. Hitler as he is better known as exterminated over 6 million Jews.

Another famous dictator was Idi Amin who was the dictator of Uganda. Idi awarded himself with many titles and honors. His ego is famous of the past dictators.

Photo by jm3

General Franco was also a famous dictator,Franco was the dictator of Spain. Franco was famous for his forced labor camps and strict force against any form of opposition.

Photo by w00kie


  • Dictatorship is one man's arbitrary rule.
  • Only one party in dictatorship is allowed to exist.
  • Leadership of the nation is given to a single man
  • A totalitarian state is established
  • People are made intensely nationalistic
Photo by JeepersMedia

The United States does not support dictatorship.The United States believe in Freedom and that's why we have The 10 amendments

Our government today is democracy. American citizens have the right to bare arms get divorced or married and to have the freedom of speech. Those are only a few of the 10 amendments American citizens have today.

Photo by dying regime

We got a lot of our info from the Internet

Photo by jurvetson