First the food enters your mouth then start chewing the food with your teeth and tongue break the food down into smaller molecules. Then the epiglottis automatically closes over the trachea (windpipe) and the small molecules of the food is taken into the body cells. And the unabsorbed food molecules pass out of the body.
Then food undergoes mechanical digestion when stomach muscles churn the food. Chemical digestion happens when hydrochloric acid and pepsin break down the complex proteins. Peristalsis pushes the food toward stomach's exit.
Next the intestinal juice breaks down the food. Then the digestive food is absorbed through the villi into a network of blood vessels that carry the nutrients to all parts of the body. By time the food leaves the small intestine, it is empty of all nutrients except water.
Then the undigested food spends 18-24 hours in the large intestine, and most of the water is absorbed. Last all the solid wastes passes into the rectum and is stored until it is eliminated from the body through the annus.