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Digestive system

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  • Breaks down food into molecules the body can use.
  • Molecules are absorbed into blood and carries throughout body.
  • Waste is eliminated from body.

There are 3 processes that occur: digestion, absorption, and elimination.

Photo by USDAgov


  • Process by which body breaks down food.
  • Mechanical: food physically broken down, chewing.
  • Chemical:chemicals produced by the body break foods into smaller chemical building blocks, Almost ALL chemical digestion takes place in the small intestine.
  • Mouth, stomach, salivary glands, esophagus, tongue, teeth, small intestine
Photo by timbobee


  • Process by which nutrient molecules pass through the wall of digestive system into blood.
  • Almost all absorption of nutrients takes place in the small intestines.


  • Any material that is not absorbed is eliminated (removed) from the body as waste.
  • Large intestine: water that enters is absorbed into the bloodstream and the rest of the materials is readied for elimination.
  • End of LI is short tube called rectum: waste is compressed into solid form. Eliminated from body through anus, muscular opening at end of rectum.
Photo by mr.beaver