Digging Deeper into Goal-Setting and Co-Planning

Published on Apr 28, 2017

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Digging Deeper into
Goal-Setting and

Photo by greatdegree

Task: Read and reflect on section 3 of your rubric.

Photo by { pranav }

The Flow of a Coaching Cycle

Setting Rigorous Goals for Coaching Cycles

Photo by ekkebus

Qualities of Effective Goals

  • Student-centered
  • Based on standards
  • Not about a product or assessment
  • Just right in scope
Photo by ccPixs.com

Classroom Management

  • We ask: 'Whose goal is it?'
  • If it's the coach's goal, then we embed support into the cycle
  • If it's the teacher's goal, then we provide separate and intensive support

Emotional Engagement:
Based on relationships

Behavioral Engagement:
Based on consequences

Intellectual engagement:
Based on a desire to know more

Photo by USDAgov

How do we structure what happens in the classroom in a way that is intellectually engaging to students?

Webb's Depth of Knowledge

  • Recall and reproduction
  • Basic skills and concepts
  • Strategic thinking and reasoning
  • Extended thinking

Let's Practice!

  • Choose a few goals to examine from the list
  • Ask if they address a strategy/activity/assessment of if they are about LEARNING
  • Determine the DOK level
  • Rewrite a few of the examples
Photo by plastAnka

Co-Planning Effective Instruction

Photo by riaskiff

Task: Watch and discuss the video of Krista and Andrea co-planning.

Photo by { pranav }

Task: Design your own planning template

  • How will you stay organized when planning (googledocs, notebook, etc.)?
  • What instructional framework is used by the teacher/school?
  • What are some powerful questions that you might ask?
  • How will you use student work at the front end of your planning session?
  • How will you be sure to differentiate for students?
Photo by { pranav }

Task: Revisit section 3 of your rubric and set a goal for your own growth.

Photo by { pranav }