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The Digital World

Specifically the internet and how it effects education

After conducting research, I address three issues of digital division and inequality including:
-balancing traditional ways of learning/teaching with the use of technology

The end goal is to discuss and realize its importance in education and society
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Digital divide and Digital Equality

Published on Nov 21, 2015

Research and discussion of issues regarding the use of the internet and technology in the classroom



The Digital World

Specifically the internet and how it effects education

After conducting research, I address three issues of digital division and inequality including:
-balancing traditional ways of learning/teaching with the use of technology

The end goal is to discuss and realize its importance in education and society
Photo by kevin dooley


Friendship bracelets, sleepovers, pokemon cards - these are all ways for us to connect as kids. Now, in today's world, we use Facebook and the internet to connect.

Which leads me to the main topic here - digital divide and digital inequality.

My definition of digital divide and digital inequality is the differences across the globe of how people can and cannot access the internet.
-developed countries
-developing countries
-costs involved
-mobile broadband internet
Photo by amanda.venner


Access and availability is the first issue

This is the first step in improving our education system and engaging our students through technology

Without access and availability we cannot move forward

Students and families come from different backgrounds with different experiences with technology
-English as a second language
-low income

School issues
-budget for labs/resources
-Wifi broadband

-home schoolers
Photo by Ben Zvan


In order for educators to use technology as a tool to improve the capacity for student learning, training must be provided to all teachers.


It also seems like technology is being incorporated in training, but in different ways.

How should the education field come together to create a professional development curriculum?

Can training be provided to family members/parents?


Balancing the use of technology and traditional methods of teaching was brought up in almost every interview I conducted in my research.

I also personally feel that, although there are great things that technology can do to create a student centered learning environment, we must proceed with caution and ensure balance is maintained.

-technology does not replace teacher
-a good teacher is still a good teacher
-combine traditional methods with technological methods


Addressing these issues is not a simple, nor short term fix. It's not like a game like tetris, where you have to figure out which piece fits where exactly.

-schools vary in demographics
-technology changes quickly

Digital divide and digital inequality is a complex problem that will take time to improve.
-creative solutions
-collaborative effort vs. individual
-goal is to educate students to use technology at their fullest potential

Photo by Esferobite


Realistic solutions for issues with access and availability

-integrate technology into classroom assignments as much as possible
-computer lab access during non-classroom hours
-after school technology club
-provide list of resources for off-campus access to technology (libraries, community centers, etc.)
-grant programs and collaboration with non-profits
-collaborate with PTA (parent teacher association) for ideas to boost use of technology, fundraisers, etc.
-AmeriCorps or other programs for developing countries
Photo by Ben Zvan


Realistic solutions for issues with training

-training must become priority
-integrated throughout school year (collaborative teams, projects, etc.)
-mandatory requirement as CEU
-teaching credential requirement
-culminating activity for education majors

-self tutorial resources (youtube, CDs, etc.) in native language for families
-parent and student activities and games to complete at home
-include mini training/intro session as part of meet the teacher and/or orientation for families
-track progress at parent teacher conferences


Realistic solutions for issues with balancing traditional methods of teaching with the use of technology in teaching

-dependent on teacher experience and teaching style
-realize technology changes constantly, must adapt to these changes
-do not use technology exclusively
-remember what learning goals/objectives area and proceed with caution
-create lesson plans keeping in mind the different types of learners (kinesthetic, visual, auditory)
-expirement, adapt and continue to engage


Why is digital divide and/or digital inequality important to address for our classrooms?

-in order to "improve outcomes while increasing productivity" it must be addressed
-while addressing those students/teachers with less experience, opportunities should also be provided for those who already have experience
-bridging the digital gap supports student-centered learning
-provides students with a sense of empowerment
-due to the increase in the number of internet users and the growth of mobile-broadband subscriptions, we can incorporate more technology into lessons
-necessary for students to become competitive and successful in today's workforce
-technology has become a way of life in society, using this creatively in the classroom can reach more learners
Photo by woody1778a