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I picked a huge foot print because it depends where you leave your mark online.
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digital foot print

Published on Nov 19, 2015



digital foot print

Where do you leave your mark Matthew Kemper 7L
I picked a huge foot print because it depends where you leave your mark online.


 What you stand for in a social media 
A pick this picture because it is saying that what you talk about is something that will always be there.


 To continue to talk or text
When you persist to cyber bully is not right. This picture represents that.


words or text being showed or used
I choosed this picture because it shows that words can come from any where


Something that allows certain things to be showed for only certain eyes
I used this picture because something that is private or something that you keep hidden. A cave can keep things hidden.


what you use as a name for your self
I used this picture because it shows that a tag is something that you use as a name for your self besides your real name.


something that is showed for everyone
i picked this picture because it shows that a public pack allows everyone to seen and for them to enter the park


a thing you want to keep secret
the river is enclosed and is secret from people.


  The world we live and learn from  
The picture shows that reality is what we live in the present not the past.


 to translate what someone is saying 
I picked this picture because it tells us how to interpret spanish


 A statement that is said for others to see 
The picture shows a post being posted. What you post is made to let people see what you said.


When something is produced to the world so everyone can see 
This is a picture of published
books being showed for the world


 Where something is being lead or angled
I picked this picture because it shows that the bird is being angled


  To mislead information
i picked this picture because this picture shows that a misleading message can be very wrong to a person


I picked this picture because it shows some ones profile.


the content of your life
i picked this picture because your identity need to be a secret to the world you don't


Where you leave your make in a permanent place.  
i picked this picture because what you put online leaves your footprint forever.