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Digital Inequality

Published on Jan 15, 2016

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Digital Inequality

Kristen Ferguson, July 2015 

Personalized learning

Let us operate under the following premise: Technology can be used to develop more individualized student instruction and aid in content mastery. Therefore we should use technology and technology is good for everyone. Right?


Divide vs Inequality 
This brings us to the limitations of using technology in the classroom.

Digital "divide" is a well researched subject. It generally refers to the availability of computers and the Internet on an individual level.

More importantly to suggesting solutions is digital "inequality." By which it is meant differences in access, but also to inequality among persons with formal access to the Internet.

Photo by samscam

Learning is hard

We prefer the safety of what we know 
Issue 1: Many teachers are not willing to adopt new technologies in the classroom.

Furthermore, teachers are not properly trained: From the 2010 National Education Technology Plan, "Many of our existing educators do not have the same understanding of and ease with using technology that is part of the daily lives of professionals in other sectors. The same can be said of many of the education leaders and policymakers in schools, districts, and states and of the higher education institutions that prepare new educators for the field." (p.10) plan

Plan. Measure.

Re-evaluate. Refocus. 
Example: Burlington, Massachusetts Public Schools 5 year technology plan. Initiatives include:
!) Burlington High School 1:1 Initiative
2) Technology Literacy
3) Teachers teaching teachers


This plan has specific initiatives aimed at addressing obstacles to the success of educational technology throughout the system.
Photo by PeterThoeny

Learners averse

to new technology