the reason that i think that
the reason i choose this image
the reason i choose this image
why i choose this picture
cyber bulling, digital drama, hate speech
why i choose this picture
the reason i choose this picture
the reason i choose this picture
relationship and communication
the reason i choose this picture
the reason i choose this picture
why i choose this picture
why are these things important to 6th grader
- so that maybe one day you can prevent others to go into depression, get hacked, scammed, bullied online or worse. you should learn comunication and relationship so you can be more social and not so lonely. you should learn about privacy and security so others wont be able to break into your online personal data.
how does your online form part from reality
- online i try to make my life seem like it is perfect even though i know that isn't. Online i try my best to fit in with the others oline. in reality i just try my best to keep up. when i text others online that i dont know i think 4 things
- 1. you don't know me
- 2. You cant actually see me
- 3. i don't know you
- 4. I cant actually see you