Exploratory Question: What auditory processing and phonemic awareness strategies and adjustments can be made to positively affect the language arts performance of a fifth grade student who is below grade level?
Effective Strategies for Phonemic Instruction Phoneme isolation: recognizing the individual sounds in words. Phoneme identity: recognizing a sound which different words have in common Phoneme categorization: recognizing a word which does not belong in a sequence of multiple words.
Effective Strategies for Phonemic Instruction Phoneme isolation: recognizing the individual sounds in words. Phoneme identity: recognizing a sound which different words have in common Phoneme categorization: recognizing a word which does not belong in a sequence of multiple words.
Additional Strategies Phoneme blending: listening to a sequence of sounds and putting them together to form a word Phoneme segmentation: breaking a word into sounds Phoneme deletion: recognizing the remaining word after one phoneme is removed (Musselwhite & McCarthy-Meyer, 2016).