Disaster Recovery

Published on Nov 21, 2015

Presentation at Tech Talk Live 2015.


Disaster Recovery

Presented by Sandra Paul, CTO


  • While natural disasters capture headlines and national attention short-term, the work of recovery and rebuilding is long-term. Sylvia Mathews Burwell

Video on disaster recovery

Photo by vernieman


  • What is Disaster recovery?
  • What should be in your DRP?
  • Natural Disaster Examples
  • Services Needed
  • Emergency Management
  • The Plan
  • Considerations
  • Sayreville's DRP
  • Options
  • Do you have a DRP?
Photo by shinealight

What is Disaster Recovery?

Disaster recovery (DR) involves a set of policies and procedures to enable the recovery or continuation of vital technology infrastructure and systems following a natural or human-induced disaster. WikiPedia

When downtime exceeds time of recovery.
This is apart of the district emergency management and contingency plan
To document the specific procedures to be performed before, during and after a disaster is declared.

What should a DRP include?

End User Devices

Tornado in Moore

The May 20th tornado decimated two of our elementary schools, Briarwood and Plaza Towers. We also received substantial damage to our Administration Services Center and Highland East Junior
High. Another round of tornadoes on May 31st caused extensive damage to 15 other schools and
administrative sites within the district.

Southgate Elementary

Other schools that were affected include Highland West Junior High, Apple Creek Elementary and Timber Creek Elementary.

Tornado in Joppa

Joplin Schools did not simply rebuild in the image of its former
self. Instead, we seized the opportunity to become even better by implementing a one-to-one initiative, complete with a new all-digital curriculum.

We no longer use textbooks—even digital ones—but instead rely on online resources, such as Khan Academy and other flipped-classroom sites, WebQuests, Google Docs, Common Core crosswalks, and
content-specific digital sources.

PD for the staff - vital to success


Photo by PhotoJunkie!

Hurricane Sandy

Services Needed

  • Displacement within the community Lack of electricity, heating Flooding of homes Need for food and shelter providing services to the community wherever needed
Photo by ccstbp

Emergency Management

Photo by EasyPickle

The Plan

Who is in charge of what?
Where can the resources fro found?
Who has access to these resources?
Communications - most important cellphone numbers
Apart of the emergency management plan for the district
Practice the plan
Annual revision of the plan.

The Plan

Who is in charge of what?
Where can the resources fro found?
Who has access to these resources?
Communications - most important cellphone numbers
Apart of the emergency management plan for the district
Practice the plan
Annual revision of the plan.

Cloud IT Resources

  • Costs Demand for "anytime, anywhere", 24/7 services Staff resources Environmental maintenance Workflow processes
Cloud computing is taking K12 by storm with fully 90 percent of K12 institutions relying on or implementing cloud technology in 2012, according to the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) According to a recent report released by Lenovo and Intel, What IT Leaders in K12 Need to Know about Cloud Computing, cloud technology can save districts up to 25 percent on IT costs within the next five years by outsourcing network maintenance and allowing schools to access low-cost or free educational software. District Administrator 2015
Photo by kevin dooley


Time of restoration/systemic down time RTO (Recovery Time Objective)
Cost of services
Staff resources costs
Automation of services
Security risks
Recovery point objective (RPO)

Disasters, unpredictable by nature, can strike anywhere at anytime with little or no warning. Recovering from one can be stressful, expensive and time consuming, particularly for those who have not taken the time to think ahead and prepare for such possibilities.

Mission Critical services for your district.

Sayreville Mission Critical Services

Sayreville Mission Critical Services
1. Communications including telephone, social media, website, etc.
2. Student Information Systems
3. Payroll/Personnel
4. Access to these services whether hosted, outsourced, in district
Photo by Stéfan


  • CoLo
  • Cloud - Based
  • Online Storage
  • Active/Passive or Active/Active Replication
  • Tape Backup

Do you have a DRP?

Photo by Thomas Hawk

Get a DRP for your school district

Thank you for attending

Photo by kevin dooley

Email: sandra.paul@sayrevillek12.net
Twitter: @spaul6414
LinkedIn: Sandra Paul
Cell: 908-433-7076

Untitled Slide

Sandra Paul

Haiku Deck Pro User