discovering new ways of being

Published on Jan 04, 2018

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discovering new ways of being

Photo by Jeremy Thomas

There is no truth in reality. There is only our language used describe our perceptions. You have developed beliefs and feelings based on these perceptions. Furthermore, all perceptions are relative - unique to each person. We use what we have learned in the past to understand the present and predict the future. Even your memories of the past are plastic, never keeping the complete picture of past experiences.

Photo by Tony Webster

Our mind goes as far as filling in the holes for us, based in part on the language we use to describe the past. We form a structure of the world around us based on the inputs we have received, good or bad, and how we interpret and describe these inputs. We mostly make meaning out of something that has no meaning, we create it in our minds eye.

Photo by Eddi van W.

Everything we think we know or believe is really just a creation of the language we use with ourselves. Some feelings and beliefs are good; some are not. Most limit us, some regulate us to a belief of being average or below.

This all started when we young and were taught language. Language to communicate our needs and wants, language to relate to people and things around us, and language to describe our interpretations, our feelings, beliefs and judgments of the world. When we were young, we didn’t know about limits, we learned them in language and accepted them as truth.

Photo by chester wade

We need to restructure the language we use; we need a new set of beliefs that agree with what we really are. We especially need a construction of beliefs that provides the ability in greater possibilities that we all have. We need new programing that tells us we are not fixed and prisoners of some sterotype, but in fact have great capacity to transform. We need a new way of being. Let us start a new framework of beliefs with new use if language that invites greater being, not just for us, but for our family and friends.

Photo by Brandon Green

What follows is not absolute or complete. It’s an introduction, a new way to use our language, using new words for a new possibility in life. These ideas, like others, should be vigorously studied, considered, and challenged before adopting them. Be open to them but don’t adopt them impulsively or throw them out quickly. Each person will get something different from what follows. Think about these deeply; study other works on these subjects. Come to you own conclusions.

Photo by cogdogblog

You have a CHOICE. Buts let start with these new ideas on ways of being, and this new language and see where we can go from here.

Photo by ThomasThomas

1: We are all, perfect and unique beings, designed with immense capacity to achieve anything we can imagine.

Photo by Greg Rakozy

2: Our thoughts create our reality; we become what we think about.

3: Growth comes from bombarding our minds with new knowledge, by being open to new perspectives and engaging in new experiences.

Photo by Jungwoo Hong

4: We were selected to be here for a reason and that reason is defined only by each of us individually. We should work to find our authentic self from inside us. You can not live another persons definition or script and be you.

Photo by John Baker

5: Human achievements, benchmarks, inventions, and our level of knowledge have only scratched the surface of what we are able to learn, accomplish and contribute. Today's technology, understanding, and ways that society works are not settled. There are always problems that can be solved and new ideas that create better life for others.

6: We are all born with a complete compliment of intelligent abilities, creative talents and unique learning potential – there are no limits to these powers we have, they only need to be stretched and exercised to grow.

7: We yearn to express ourselves in unique ways and our greatest self expression is through living within integrity and being authentic to our defined goals and dreams.
We all have an immense capacity to achieve our dreams and goals.

8: Happiness is a state of mind, from within us, that we reach by stretching our potential with meaningful experiences and activities, while in pursuit of our ideas with others.

Photo by HeyDanielle

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Greg Henderson
Photo by Liamfm .