5.Farts, aka gas from the body. ————————————— Farts are gas leaving the body. You know when your stomach starts to hurt? It means that your stomach has to release gas, or your hungry, but in this case its gas!
3.Eye gunk. ——————————————— Eye gunk is the goowy, stuff on the eye when it starts to get itchy and starts to feel like there is something in your eye. You might get irritated and you might have pink eye or any other eye diseases.
2.Acne. ——————————————————— Acne, is something you get when you hit puberty, most teenagers get them from sex hormons! Sorry for the bad language, but its true!
1.Body oder. ————————————————— Body oder, is basically sweat. When your done with your exercise and you forgot to put on deodorant, you get that wonderfull, and horrible smell of body oder. Sweat is actually most of the cause for acne if you do not wash your body!!