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Dispute Resolution

Published on Oct 03, 2021

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Dispute Resolution

Module 5
Photo by Dylan Gillis

Dispute resolution is important to all parties to best serve the student. Sometimes the outcomes are a process and can have greater implications.


  • IEP Facilitation
  • Resolution Meeting
  • Written State Complaint
  • Due Process Complaint
  • Expedited Hearing Request


  • Must be agreed on by both parents and district
  • School schedules facilitation meeting with ODR on mutually agreed time by IEP team
  • Attendance is the same for IEP members
  • Facilitator is not a team member
  • There is no cost for an IEP facilitation
  • Facilitator does not make decisions for the team

Resolution Meeting

  • Takes place after a parent files for due process but before a due process hearing
  • Meeting takes place 15 calendar days after LEA receives notice of due process filing
  • The purpose of the resolution meeting is for the parent and LEA to discuss why a due process complaint was made
  • This will help resolve/discuss concerns

Written state Complaint

  • A request to investigate an LEA when IDEA has not been followed
  • A decision must be made 60 calendar days after complaint was received
  • Complaints should be made within 1 year of known problem

Due Process Hearing

  • Process used to resolve a formal complaint made by parent or LEA
  • Process complaints must be filed within 2 years of a date when party knew of the problem
  • Decision must be issued within 45 calendar days from the end of the resolution period
  • Most adversarial dispute resolution process

Expeited Hearing Request

  • With an EHR, resolution meeting must occur within 7 calendar days
  • The decision must be issued within 10 school days
  • A special type of process in certain situations that relate to a student's discipline and placement
  • LEA may use this process if believes that a child's behavior could be dangerous to self or others