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Distribution Research Presentation

Published on Dec 20, 2015

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Film Distribution (n.)

The process of making a movie available for viewing by and audience
Photo by Amöbe

Film distribution has changed significantly in the past 10 years. A major reason for this is the popular use of online film and television services. Examples of these services include things such as Netflix, VOD, or view on demand, and even illegal downloading and streaming of films.

Photo by seanbonner

As well as this, the average gap between the time that the film is released in cinemas and when it is released in other places such as on disks or the internet is shrinking. This is because most movies released today make the vast majority of their revenue within the first six weeks of being released (one exception of this was Frozen, which was largely popular for a long period of time), so the creators of the film want it to reach as many people as it can as quickly as possible.

Photo by payalnic

All of these factors have led to the use of cinemas in modern film distribution to become less prevalent as time has progressed. The distributors of movies care less about the amount of people that attend cinemas to see movies rather than see them in their homes than how much money they can make from getting the film to as many people as possible in as short a time period as they can. Because of this, movie theatre attendance is the lowest it has been since 1995.

Photo by Leonrw