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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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by:Veronica Roth Presented by:Alicia Coatsworth

Beatrice- Tris is the main character who goes from not being scared to being scared to not being scared again.
"Are you nervous?" Said Beatrice's mom. . . "No", I say ( 2). The quote is showing that Tris is scared when she is talking to her mom.


  • "My heart pounds at the mention of the ceremony." (29).
  • This quote shows that Tris was scared. Tris is scared because she is 
  • choosing the rest of her life.
Photo by martinak15


  • "Call me Tris that would go better with my faction now." (40).
  • This quote explains that Tris is happy with the faction she picked and
  • isn`t scared.
Photo by Danny_Briones

The theme for Divergent is to try new things and not to be scared.
"Are you scared?" Said Beatrice's mom. . . "No," I say(2).
"I'll be fine," Tris said.

Photo by ecstaticist

Theme-Trying new things and being brave

  • "On three we launch off the train car" (95).
  • This quote demonstrates that Beatrice isn`t scared to jump off the train.
  • "That was fun!" (96) said Tris after jumping off the train
Photo by Fabulerat

Trying New Things and Being Brave

  • " I realize that the decision might be simple. It will require a great
  • act of selflessness to chose Abnegation or a great act of
  • courage to chose Dauntless, and maybe just choosing one over the other 
  • prove that I belong." (37). This quote shows that Tris is thinking of 
  • leaving her faction for a different faction.
Photo by snigl3t

author`s purpose

  • Veronica Roth`s purpose was to entertain 
  • Too much controlled by government! 
  • " Your faction controls your life!" (26). 
  • " Now I have to pick my faction." (35). 
  • " Maybe picking ........... was a bad idea" (350).
Photo by mariskar


  • Divergent is an adventurous and futuristic book about US being divided 
  • faction. The main character is Tris.
  • Chicago area-Future 
  • "Renovation moves slowly through the city, which is a patchwork of new,
  • clean building and old crumbling ones." (24).
Photo by Werner Kunz

Word one- Faction (N)
Definition-A small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one
Quote- "...That will show me which of the five factions I belong in" (26).
Other Forms- No other forms

Word two- Determine (V)
Definition- Cause (something) to occur in a particular way.
Quote- ".....Determined, her lips pressed together" (135).
Other Forms- Determined, Determining, Determines

Word Three- Disapproval (N)
Definition- The act or state of disapproving
Quote- "...He wears this look of disapproval." (252).
Other Forms- Disapproving, Disapproved, Disapproves

Photo by id-iom

I would recommend this book to people who love Science Fiction type of books.
Other books- Yes there are three other books in the Divergent series. Insurgent, and Allegiant.
Made into a Movie- Yes this book was make into a movie named Divergent

Photo by FulgentKlutz