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DNA Vocabulary

Published on Sep 13, 2022

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DNA Vocabulary

by Jamie

There is DNA in all living things it caries genetic codes.

Photo by Lawrence OP

2 parallel helices twisted together to make the shape of a DNA

Photo by Jun Seita

they form a structure to create DNA or a group of phosphate

Photo by Allen Gathman

a unit transferred from the parent to the child and is used to determine characteristics of the child.

Related to genomics, Contains chromosomes, controls cell activity.

Photo by .Bala

a chemical that helps build DNA and RNA, It gives energy to cells

Sometimes found in food, vital part of cell growth, stored in the liver, Vitamin B1

Purine Base,forms bases with cytosine

Photo by chronoxphya

a thing found in living tissue, it is constituent

Photo by distillated

a cell is a living organism and is the smallest thing that can live on its own, makes up living organisms and tissues

Photo by kaibara87

something that contains nitrogen

Photo by fdecomite

Type of pentose sugar, it replicates cells

Photo by Allen Gathman

provides structural support for molecules,

Inherit is when you get something from some one. In this case you get a gene from your parents