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Welcome! My name is Heather Drinkwater. I am currently a Third Grade Language Arts Teacher at Lancaster Primary School in Kilmarnock, Virgnia. I am currently working on my Media Specialist Endorsement through Old Dominion University and hope to become a Librarian at my school one day!
Time: 2 minutes
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Do you Love Technology?

Published on Nov 28, 2015

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Technology Makes Our Heart Beat For Learning

Welcome! My name is Heather Drinkwater. I am currently a Third Grade Language Arts Teacher at Lancaster Primary School in Kilmarnock, Virgnia. I am currently working on my Media Specialist Endorsement through Old Dominion University and hope to become a Librarian at my school one day!
Time: 2 minutes

Do You love Technology?

Do you love using technology in the classroom? Often we may find ourselves lacking the time to sort through all the latest and greatest websites and tools. Utilizing current technology in the classroom enhances your instruction. Today, I am going to share with you some fun and innovative ways to incorporate Technology into the Elementary Classroom. While my ideas for implementation and curriculum connections are geared toward the elementary classroom, with a few tweaks, they can easily be adapted to a middle or high school classroom as well.
Time: 2 minutes
Time: 2 minutes
Photo by Enthuan


Jing is an excellent FREE classroom tool! After downloading the software, you can begin creating videos that can be shared. A video can be created with audio added or even a screenshot taken. JING is free to use and allows users up to five minutes of recording time. Once you begin using Jing to capture and share videos or images in the classroom, you unlock a limitless potential!
Time: 2 minutes

Time: 2 minutes

Educational Applications

Identifying author's purpose sol 3.5 e, 3.6 a
Ever wanted to use a lesson previously taught for a review before testing, or what if you had a new student arrive mid-year and wanted to review previously taught concepts with them—why not use jing ©? Teachers can use Jing to record lessons and examples of Best Practices in Instruction to share with other teachers. Imagine how helpful that could be to play these captured videos for a new teacher!! Whether your videos are teacher or student created, Jing has awesome potential in the classroom.
Time: 3 minutes
Photo by trustypics

Educational Applications

 comparing contributions of ancient Civilizations SOl 2.1, 3.1 
Jing Educational Applications~
For second and third grade students learning about the ancient civilizations in History can be confusing with the amount of information students must retain. Why not create a quick jing to go along with Ancient civilizations of Egypt, China, Rome, Greece or Mali. It will surely help students when it comes to distinguishing between the civilizations.
Time: 2 minutes
Allow for comments, questions, discussion and any elaboration on topic.
Time: 3 minutes
Photo by molajen


Prezi is a free presentation software. This software can be accessed from anywhere on any device since it is cloud based. I found this software a bit more difficult to maneuver, if you used a blank template. However, if you utilized one of their pre-made templates it is much easier to use.

Time: 2 minutes

educational applications

studying the exploration of the americas SOL 3.3.
During the teaching of SOL on the exploration of the America's, students create presentations on Explorers. SS. SOL 3.3

Use Prezi to make presentations that track the explorers journey, obstacles and contributions
SOL 3.3
a) describing the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de León, Jacques
Cartier, and Christopher Newport;
b) identifying the reasons for exploring, the information gained, the results of the travels, and
the impact of the travels on American Indians.

Time: 2 minutes

educational applications

 investigating simple machines SOL 3.2.
In Science, when teaching Simple Machines Unit SC SOL 3.2, compare and contrast the different types of simple machines and their everyday uses. SOL topics for presentations to cover: a) purpose and function of simple machines;
b) types of simple machines;
c) compound machines; and
d) examples of simple and compound machines found in the school, home, and work environments.

Time: 2 minutes

educational applications

 SOL 3.2 Using Visual Media for digital book talks
Students could create Prezi’s for sharing stories or Digital Book Talks.
Use a Prezi to help present reports on Famous Americans SS SOL 2.11 People to research include Jackie Robinson, Helen Keller, Betsy Ross, Martin Luther King, Jr, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Susan B. Anthony
Open House Night Welcome and Getting To Know You for Parents to view. You can share your rules, procedures, policies and curriculum. Don’t forget to add your contact information for parents to use.
Time: 3 minutes
Allow for comments, questions, discussion and any elaboration on topic.
Time: 3 minutes

Photo by passengercis

Qr codes

What are those funny looking little dotted squares we see everywhere now? They are QR Codes. QR stands for Quick Response Code. This little square stores information or data that can be accessed by scanning the code with an i Pad , iPhone or Smart Device. But remember you will need to install the reader app to be able to read the code you are scanning. Both creating and scanning the codes is absolutely FREE!! The only limitation I see with these is that you must have an electronic device to use them.
Time: 2 minutes

educational applications

Sol 3.4 b expand vocabulary: identify synonyms and antonyms
QR codes are an extremely interactive tool to use in the classroom. I have created a Scavenger Hunt using Language Arts Content Information. Reading SOL 3.4 Students pair up with a partner, one person takes the iPad, the other the activity sheet and a clipboard and they hunt for answers. This can be done throughout the school or just within your classroom.

Time: 2 minutes

educational applications

 codes can help students with homework
Another helpful use for these codes is to make one for all the important frequently visited websites in your class. I have a QR code parking lot where I copy, label and laminate all my codes. Students can just walk up and scan a code. This eliminates any errors in their trying to type those long website addresses. I have also used them to link to help for completing tough homework or even Math Problems.
Time: 2 minutes
Allow for comments, questions, discussion and any elaboration on topic.
Time: 3 minutes
Photo by scott_bl8ke


use knowledge of homophones SOL 3.4
PowToon © allows its users to create animated videos and presentations. It is totally free but you do have to sign up for an account using your name and email address.

Time: 2 minutes

educational applications

SOL 3.8 c identifying plant life cycles.
Using POWTOON © to engage your learners is quite an effective hook. You can use it to introduce a concept to really grab the listener’s attention. I have used it for both students and adults. POWTOON is a tool that can be used effectively within any subject and the content can be tailored to any grade level. I created a POWTOON to help students master the SOL 3.4 g and 3.7 a to understand the differences between print resources.
Time: 3 minutes
Allow for comments, questions, discussion and any elaboration on topic.
Time: 2 minutes
Photo by JD Hancock

Wrap It Up

Moving forward to implementation
OK, so now what? We have learned about Jing. Prezi, QR Codes, and POWTOON today. Allow time for questions on the technology discussed today and methods or strategies for successfully implementing the tools in a learning environment.

How will you use these tools in your learning environment?

Time: 4 minutes
Photo by SurprisePally

technology is the heartbeat of innovative instruction!

Hopefully, this presentation has sparked a new interest in the applications and tools available through technology!

Time: 1 minute
Photo by marmaza

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Scan my QR code for my contact information.

Time: 1 minute