Does God Exist

Published on Aug 17, 2017

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Does god exist?

Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • German - Gott
  • Portuguese - Deus
  • Turkish - Tanri
  • Swahili - Mungu
  • Zulu - UNKulunkulu
Photo by Jean Jader

in the beginning, god

3.5 billion years

for a monkey to randomly type "consciousness"

DNA - 12 billion miles of it
RNA - 3.5 billion letters long

Photo by M Pinarci


20 different aminos all accurately arranged

1 in 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (or 1 in 10 to the power of 130)

Photo by MrWoodnz

win the lottery

18 times in a row!
Photo by K J Payne

10,000 birds
22,000 fish
65,000 trees
300,000 plants
610,000 fungus
7.7 million animals

1 earth
40,000 km circumference
500,000,000 km squared surface
Distanced exactly where it needs to be from the sun

Photo by Kevin M. Gill

Jesus is written about in more than just the bible. Jewish and Roman historians have accounts that tie up with the bible!

Photo by Hc_07

known by his holy spirit

Photo by zeevveez


  • Do you have any doubts about the existence of God?
  • What do your friends think of you when you say that you are a Christian?
  • Do you struggle with "science v God" arguments? In what way?
  • Do you feel like you know God well? If not, what would you like to know?

Scott Macdonald

Haiku Deck Pro User