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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Where in the world are dolphins?

Where some of them live.

  • Dolphins live in all oceans of the world
  • Dolphins also live in some important rivers
  • Bottlenose Dolphins live in all oceans in the world, except for the Arctic
  • Another ocean they don't live in is the Antarctic Ocean

Dolphins Sizes

  • Dolphins come in all different shapes and sizes.
  • They all have similar bodies.
  • Some Dolphins are different colors.

What do Dolphins eat?

  • Dolphins eat plenty of different types of food.
  • But a Dolphins favorite food is Fish.

How fast do Dolphins swim?

  • Dolphins usually swim at about 3-7 miles per hour.
  • Not all Dolphins swim at that pace though.
  • Some Dolphins swim slower of faster.

How do Dolphins Communicate?

  • All Dolphins have a unique whistle.
  • Which allows them to communicate with other Dolphins.

Are Dolphins Endangered?

  • No, Dolphins aren't Endangered at all.
  • However, some Dolphins get thier habitats destroyed by Humans. 
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Photo by srgpicker

How deep do Dolphins dive?

  • Dolphins usually don't dive deeper than 150ft.
  • All Dolphins dive at different lengths.

How do Dolphins stay warm?

  • Dolphins are warm blooded, and their internal temp. is 98 degrees.
  • Dolphins have a thick layer of fat on their body.
  • Which helps them stay warm. Thats what makes them Mammals.
Photo by Alan Vernon.

This Is The End Of My Presentation

By: Jack Weber