Goof proofed by Saroni and Amelia, Made by Jasmien
Hola, soy Dora. This is my best friend Boots! Together, we’re going to talk about our New Year’s resolutions! Let’s get started into 2017. Let’s use my Map-app to find our way around! Vaminos!
Someway, some how I want to earn money that doesn’t include allowance. Maybe doing real jobs like mowing lawns or babysitting even though my social skills aren’t suited for children.
I need to practice my instrument more. I could also learn how to play a different instrument, like maracas.
Similar to #10, I have a lot of things I could possibly sell. It never really came to mind, but it could free up storage and make me money!
Learning a new language could be fun and useful. It also gives you bragging rights. I already know some Spanish, so hey, why not learn some more?
I can clean things and be prepared for certain events, but I can’t keep things cleaned or organized for a long period. Being more organized is very helpful for a bunch of reasons.
I’d like to read more because books could be a good way to use time while learning new things and being more creative (that’s why borrowing Justin Bieber books and MLP books from the library is important.)
I’ve had a lot of pets and all of them are dead. I currently have an aquarium that’s empty because I haven’t gotten a fish in awhile. I should get a new one because it’s been at least 4-5 months.
I made it one of my goals to participate in class more. I want to participate in class more because it could give you better grades.
I want to be more cringey. Why? Hmm… well if you couldn’t tell by the theme already. "Why?" is a very good question. It’s better than being really plain.
Adios amigos. I have to go to another adventure! Thanks for viewing my resolutions. Also, shout out to all Dora fans! I’m talking about you! Yes, you. Hunter, Saroni, Hannah, and Bryanna!