Arbeit macht frei
"At six o' clock that afternoon, the first American tank stood at the gates of Buchenwald." (Wiesel, 115)
I chose this title because after being in such horrible conditions for so long, and after having to fight just to live, is pretty hard work. Ever since arriving at Auschwitz, he had to work to get through everyday, and his work payed off when he gets liberated. I chose this title because "Arbeit Macht Frei" means "Work makes you free,"
I chose this picture because it shows someone who is completely free. He has no restraints, no SS gaurds, and now, like Elie, is free.
I chose this quote because even though he had to do so much hard work, that it payed off, that the Front had come, and after being forced to runaway from freedom, he can stop and enjoy his new, free life.