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"Yes, we even doubted his resolve to exterminate us. Annihilate an entire people? Wipe out a population dispersed throughout so many nations? So many millions if people!" (Wiesel, 8)

I chose this quote because it shows that everyone was in denial about Germany's strength in the war, they are doubting Hitler's chances to gain power.

I picked this title becuse they are all doubting Hitler's ability to get what he wants, which is world domination.

I chose this picture because they are questioning Hitler's resolve to keep his power and stay in control.
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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Chapter One: pg. 3-22
"Yes, we even doubted his resolve to exterminate us. Annihilate an entire people? Wipe out a population dispersed throughout so many nations? So many millions if people!" (Wiesel, 8)

I chose this quote because it shows that everyone was in denial about Germany's strength in the war, they are doubting Hitler's chances to gain power.

I picked this title becuse they are all doubting Hitler's ability to get what he wants, which is world domination.

I chose this picture because they are questioning Hitler's resolve to keep his power and stay in control.

Behind Bars

Chapter 2: pg. 23-28 
"There was little air. The lucky ones found themselves near a window; they could watch the blooming countryside flit by. After two days of travel, thirst became intolerable, as did the heat." (Wiesel, 23)

I chose this quote because it depicts the horrors that occurred on the cars.

I chose this picture because it shows how small the cars were in comparison to the amount to people the rode it.

I chose this title because the cable cars were basically a prison before the got to the camps.


Chapter 3: pg. 29- 46
"We marched. Gates opened and closed. We continued to march between the barbed wire. At every step, white signs with black skulls looked down on us." (Weisel, 40)

"After four hours, we arrived at the new camp: Buna. The iron gate closed behind us." (Weisel, 46)

I chose this title because they aren't just limited by the gates of the camp, but the gates on them. The SS have put "gates" on the prisoners and what they are aloud to do.

I chose this picture because its like the gates and fences that surround the camps.

I chose this quote because it shows how many times that gates close them off from the world.
Photo by paulbence


Chapter 4: pg. 47-65


Chapter 5: pg. 66-84
"I no longer accepted God's silence... I turned that act into a symbol of rebellion, of protest against Him." (Weisel, 69)

I chose this title because Elie has gone through a dramatic change: he no longer believes in God. His faith has been destroyed. They has been so dehumanized, that they now have more faith in Hitler than they do in God.

I chose this picture because it represents how Elie feels about God. Clouds are temporary, they only stay together for a short amount of time, before they start drifting apart. Elie used to have a strong connection with God, but now he is becoming more distant with him, he is drifting and separating from God.

I chose this quote because Elie is confessing to himself that he doesn't believe in God, and that everything he will do now will be against him.
Photo by zhen's photo


Chapter 6: pg. 85-97
"'Faster, you filthy dogs!' We were no longer marching, we were running. Like automatons. The SS were running as well, weapons in hand. We looked as though we were running from them." (Weisel, 85)

I chose this title because this chapter is where they begin the death marches.

I chose this quote because it shows how badly and rude the SS talked to the prisoners.

I chose this picture because like robots, Elie and the others had to follow their commands, and stay in line like robots. The SS talked to them like they were one, under the same mind.

Chapter 7: pg. 98-103


Chapter 8: pg. 104-112
"No prayers were said over his tomb. No candle lit in his memory. His last word had been my name. He had called out to me and I had not answered... Free at last!" (Weisel, 112)

I chose this title because his father died. Despite the fact that Elie isn't sad, he wishes he could be. He was his father's only reason to live and his lifeline, but Elie chose not to care. When his father called to him, just before he died, Elie didn't listened. His father didn't even get to say goodbye.

I chose this picture because it shows that Elie's faith, dad, and normal life will never be the same, its just broken, like glass.

I chose this quote because it tells how Elie practically abandoned his father, in his worst time. His father had asked and called to him, but he ignored. His dad was dead to him, their relationship was shattered by the SS.
Photo by davetoaster

Arbeit macht frei

Chapter 9: pg. 113-115
"At six o' clock that afternoon, the first American tank stood at the gates of Buchenwald." (Wiesel, 115)

I chose this title because after being in such horrible conditions for so long, and after having to fight just to live, is pretty hard work. Ever since arriving at Auschwitz, he had to work to get through everyday, and his work payed off when he gets liberated. I chose this title because "Arbeit Macht Frei" means "Work makes you free,"

I chose this picture because it shows someone who is completely free. He has no restraints, no SS gaurds, and now, like Elie, is free.

I chose this quote because even though he had to do so much hard work, that it payed off, that the Front had come, and after being forced to runaway from freedom, he can stop and enjoy his new, free life.
Photo by Tim Geers


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