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Douglas MacArthur In Korea

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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When the North Koreans pushed the South Koreans and US forces to the Pusan Perimeter, the United Nations voted to send troops to Korea.

Photo by xeno_sapien

The Soviet Union was absent because they were protesting the lack of communist China in the United Nations.

Photo by dying regime

Because of this, they did not use their security council veto and they could not stop the troops from going.

Photo by DonkeyHotey

Douglas MacArthur is then given command of the United Nations' forces. He was considered a hero from the Pacific in WWII.

Photo by Nfoka


  • An arrogant
  • Self-absorbed
  • Egotistical
  • Butt hole
Photo by J. Tewell

He landed behind the Inchon Landings and China threatend to join the war if the United Nations' forces crossed the 38th parallel.

Photo by Matthijs Gall

The United Nations' forces pushed the North Koreans all the way to the 30th parallel. President Truman tells MacArthur to stop.

Photo by micadew

Douglas MacArthur ignores President Truman and pushes the North Koreans to the Yula River.

Photo by Chalkie_CC

On November 25, 1950, China invaded with 300,000 soldiers. MacArthur then wanted to nuclear bomb China.

President Truman fires MacArthur. From that point forward, the war went back and forth across the peninsula.