What is Down syndrome?
Human cells normally contain 23 pairs of chromosomes.Down syndrome results when abnormal cell division involving chromosome 21 occurs and makes them have an extra chromosome. (Trisomy 21)
Normally contain two
What causes it?
Down syndrome is caused by a random error in mitosis that results in the presence of an extra copy of chromosome number 21. The type error is called nondisjunction. This occurs at random during the formation of an egg and sperm.
The symptoms are decreased or poor muscle tone, short neck(excess skin on back of neck), flattened facial profile and nose, small head ears and mouth, upward slanting eyes,wide short hands with short fingers, deep grove between first and second toe , and brushfield spots (white spots).
Who, what, and when discovered?
Dr.John Langdon Down in 1862, UK described Down syndrome and used the term "mongoloid" .
- 25% families are roughly affected
- 1/691 babies in u.s are born with DS
- Its named after Dr. John Langdon Down
- Most common chromosomal condition
Additional info. 1
Actress Lauren Potter from show 'glee' says that people with Down syndrome aren't any different from everyone else . Also, Jamie Brewer is very famous for the show 'American Horror Story' and she has Down syndrome and she rocked the runway fashion show in February in New York and was the first model with Down syndrome.
Additional info. 2
Ten year old Christopher Warner from Maryland met his favorite band Maroon 5. His special education teacher says that he always enjoys listening to their music and draws pictures of the band.