What is Down syndrome:
Down syndrome is a genetic disorder occurring at chromosome 21 causing developmental and intellectual delays
What causes it:
The cause of Down syndrome is abnormal cell division resulting in extra genetic material in chromosome 21.
Mouth: Displacement of tongue or abnormally large tongue
Development: Learning disability, delayed development, speech delay in children, and short stature.
Cognitive: Difficulty thinking and intellectual diversity.
Symptoms (continued):
Obesity, deafness, mouth breathing, thyroid disease, vision disorder, single line on the palm, low set ears, flaccid muscles, congenital heart disease, immunodeficiency, bent little finger, lazy eye, memory loss, hearing loss, vision problems.
Who and when it was discovered: Down syndrome was discovered in the mid 1800s by John Langdon Down. He studied diseases of children most of his life.
Interesting facts: 200,000 to 3,000,000 cases reported per year in the United States, there are 3 types of Down syndrome they are trisomy 21 (most common), translocation, and mosaicism, it's rare for people with Down syndrome to have kids, it's a mild to moderate disease.
Translocation is caused by the rearrangement of parts between homologous chromosomes
Mosaicism is condition in which cells in the same person have different genetic makeup.