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Published on Mar 16, 2016

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  • He was born march 16th 1911 in Günzburg, Germany
  • He died February 7th, 1979 in Bertioga, São Paulo brazil

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  • After his medical studies, Mengel's beliefs changed
  • In 1937 he Joined the Nazi party and then a year later the SS
  • After getting wounded in battle, he volunteered for the concentration camps

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  • Dr. Mengele was known to be the most brutal Nazi in the holocaust.
  • He is most famous for his obsession with human experiments.

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  • On his 21 month in the camps, his position was moved, he would stand on a platform and would point to left or the right to determine who would go where
  • Mengele was responsible for choosing which Jew would survive in the camps to get tested or die in the gas chambers.

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  • Once Mengele eventually became the medical doctor for the SS.The SS stands for Schutzstaffel and means protection squadron.
  • Mengele was then called for the position to be the chief doctor in Auschwitz.

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  • He mainly tested on Jewish twins, Gypsy children, dwarfs and people with different abilities
  • He tested high-altitude experiments, freezing experiments and with the spotted fever
Photo by screenpunk

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  • High-altitude experiments- is to investigate the limits of human endurances and and existence at .extremely high altitude
  • freezing experiments- to investigate the most effective means of treating a person who had been chilled or frozen
  • Spotted fever experiments- to investigate the effectiveness spotted fever and other vaccines

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  • He believed twins had secrets and genetics that other kids didn't
  • He took about 3000 twin children from the camps
  • Twins to him were known as "Mengele's children," they were treated differently then other prisoners in camps
  • A few parents were also allowed to come with their twins
  • He would inject them with substances like gasoline and if one twin died he would kill the other right away


  • The Angel of death was the name given to Mengele
  • He enjoyed torturing Jews with his experiments and even also sending them to the gas chambers to die


  • Argentina was paid to hide Mengele and other Nazi's after the war
  • Mengele kept a low profile as possible, while working in farms and ranches while hiding
  • After Argentina, Mengele managed to fly to Paraguay then Brazil, where he ultimately died of old age.
  • Mengele was mainly remembered for two things; for his experiments and as " the one who got away,"
Photo by Anna & Michal

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  • When did Mengele die?
  • What did Mengele experiment on?
  • When did he join the Nazi?
  • What does SS mean?
  • What country did Mengele die in?
Photo by Nick Moulds