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Published on Nov 23, 2015

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By:Brianna Bethel

Name of author

Photo by brianjmatis

Birthday/death day
March 2,1904
September 24,1991


Photo by dms1788

Helen Palmer Geisel
Audrey Geisel

Photo by Lel4nd

Number of children
He had no children what so ever

Why did this person began writing.
Out of boredom.

Photo by deserttrumpet

What type of books
Children and comedy like books

Photo by Brandi Jordan

How many books have they written.

He normally writes for.
Childrens books

What genre does he write
Picture,short,comedy,fiction story's

Photo by betta design

What is Their favorite book they have written
The Lorax.

Photo by miss_rogue

Do they have a pen name?
Yes it is Dr.Seuss even if he was never a doctor

Photo by mrsdkrebs

Did he go to college ?
Dartmouth College

Photo by dailyjoe

What awards did has your author attended to get.
Most funny
Best book

Photo by improbcat

What publisher does your author use.
Use of this site indicates your consent to the Terms of Use

Who inspired the author to write?
Bored bored

Photo by krembo1

Has a movie been created out of any of their books
Yes the Lorax ,cat in the hat,

Tell about his child hood did he move or stay at home.
He stay in Springfield.

Why did I pick this author because I know he is funny and I thought he would be a good author to do.

Photo by @Doug88888

Does this author inspire you to read or write.

He makes me to read his books

My websites.
Geisel,Theodor." Dr.Seuss."www.DrSeussbiograghy.com,www.google.com.May 5,2014.

Photo by @Doug88888