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Drug Myths

Published on Jun 05, 2019

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Drug Myths

By Chloe Andrews

People seem to be taking drugs because they have a "good" reason too. Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn't take drugs.

Reason #1: "It makes me look cool!"

If you think drugs are going to make you look cool, you are wrong. The only thing drugs will do for you is ruin your health. If anything, people will think you are uncool! If you are going to risk your health, looks, and your life in general for taking drugs, think again!

Reason #2: "I was depressed"

Photo by lorenkerns

Taking drugs isn't going to make you feel better, in fact, it will only make you feel worse. At the time, maybe you will feel more energized and alert, but what happens when the drugs wear off? Do you keep taking drugs? No! To take care of being depressed, you should see a medical professional.

Reason #3: "They forced me to do it"

Photo by Gift Habeshaw

If this is your excuse, nobody is forcing you to do anything! The power of saying "no" can help you in a bad situation when you are being forced to do something. The only person you have to blame is yourself. You made the choice to take the drugs, now you are the one who pays the price.

Reason #4: "It won't be hurting anybody else"

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In a potential situation you could be hurting somebody else. For example, if you are taking methamphetamine, you are at a higher risk of using violence on somebody. If you aren't hurting somebody physically, you might be hurting them mentally. Your family will be very disappointed at the choices you have made.

Reason #5: "I can stop when I'm ready"

Photo by cobblucas

Drugs are addictive. It is going to be very hard to just stop taking them unless you go through some serious therapy. Once you start, you just keep going and going, likely until you die. You won't be able to get rid of the sensation. It's almost like you are required to do it. Stopping is harder than you might think.

In conclusion, taking drugs shouldn't have an excuse. Just don't begin in the first place. If you are struggling, maybe it's best if you find some help. You are going to feel much better about the choices you've made.