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DYF 4.3

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Photo by tehchix0r

"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future." - Niels Bohr

Photo by bb_matt

Chance and your Career

  • Changing job sector
  • Changing economy
  • Your changing relationships
  • Failure & set back
  • Unexpected event

Embracing chaos

  • Rejects that the future can be controlled
  • Rejects that the unexpected is caused by poor planning
  • Accepts that chaos occurs frequently
  • Believes that they can be successful in a chaotic environment
Photo by Jeffy Can

Luck Readiness

  • Risk - taking chances
  • Curiosity - looking for new ideas
  • Persistence - keeping going
  • Efficacy - belief in your control
  • Strategy - tries to increase the odds
  • Luckiness - believes they will be lucky
  • Flexibility - open to new ideas and options
Photo by Terriko