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Dynamic of Relationships

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Looking at different codes we live by. Life is a web of relationships that we struggle to insert ourselves into. This slide show is a presentation taking a direct look at different types of relationships and how people should deal with them.


Dynamic of Relationships

Barrett Buttes

What is a value?

Values are like music.

Feared or loved?"

"Is it better to be
Photo by brianjmatis

"On the one hand, people desire control, which is at the heart of power. People who feel in control are more motivated, have greater confidence, set higher goals, and achieve more."

Fire with fire"

"Sometimes, you have to fight


"North Korea: 'We Were Forced to Eat Grass and Soil'"

"Tough love"

As a leader, should one lead with fear or with love?

"If you can't beat them, join them."

Photo by mohammadali

Everyone is entitled to their choices"

"as long as it doesn't negatively impact the people around them

shouldn't throw stones"

"People who live in glass houses

the importance of flexibility

To be able to accept other people’s peculiarities

Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.

Photo by gak

Meg Whitman

Photo by ShutterRunner

Kristen Souza

Photo by slo-red

Fear, Love, and Hypocrisy

Exploring our individual hypocritical conditions and if they can change with power
Photo by Horia Varlan

Are you a Hypocrite?

Can money and power change us?

Interview with Andria Strite
Photo by aresauburn™

Know who YOU are


Brought to you by the Barrett Buttes
Photo by Will Montague

Lead with respect

Photo by Vvillamon

Avoid negatively impacting others.

Acceptance is key to strong relationships.
Photo by Hindrik S

A strong community and society is created through strong relationships because of the congeniality and the loyalty people have for each other.

Photo by ebot

Even though you may be given a ratty pair of sneakers, you can acquire the necessary skills to obtain Louboutins.

Photo by agroffman

Don't lose your respect

If you gain power,