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Dystopian Characteristics Book Project

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Davis Green dystopian literature project



This characteristic is societal control which is where the government makes you believe something when they are actually doing something else that hurts the society in the long run. A real world example is North Korea where Kim Jong convinced the citizens that they have it made. But little do they know they are being lied too.

Fahrenheit 451 example- Societal control in this book takes place when their government tries to take over their people and they know it is happening. So they all get worried. “The zipper displaces the button and a man lacks just that much time to think while dressing at dawn, a philosophical hour, and thus a melancholy hour.” As this states the constant mind control is causing hard ache for most of the citizens.

Another example of dystopia is when citizens have to live in an environment that is dehumanized or dangerous. And a real world example of this would be the Baltimore riots. Where the people made it a literal war zone throughout the city of Baltimore.

The Fahrenheit 451 example is when the governments plan doesn't go as planned and the people get sick and want them to stop. "For god's sake let me be." It shows their whole scheme is getting old.

Another example of a dystopian charecteristic is when citizens have to conform to uniform expectations. A real world example is an American workplace where the workers. Must were nice clothes to work every day.

The Fahrenheit 451 example of uniform expectations is where the government makes sure every morning and night that the citizens are all wearing their distributed suits. "But tonight someone had slipped." This shows that somebody was about to get in trouble for not wearing the right suit.

Another example would be unnecessary brutality used by authority. Which is where the higher ups use unneeded force to solve a problem. A real world example of this would be Isis they hate Americans so they kill everyday civilians by killing them in awful and gruesome ways.

The Fahrenheit example for this would be when the government kills people for committing very small crimes. "They took him screaming off to the asylum." This shows they have no compassion for mentally challenged people.

Another dystopian topic is the government keeping information from the people and making them worship the government. A real world example, is North Koreans worshiping Kim Jong un.

The Fahrenheit example is when the people think the government is great and the worship it in the beginning. "What a great time to be alive." This shows they love being alive.

This charecteristic is when the government tries to avert and change the ways things have been done for many years, and then it all blows up in their face over time. A real world example is Hitler when he tried to please the Germans and then they realized he was a bad dude and most nations turned against him and it blew up.

An example of this from WallE is when the man who runs their nation makes robots a crucial part of the nation. And uses his own political ideas. A days you might imagine it all blew up on him because he did not follow the way things have been for years, and the whole nation turns to crap. As you can see in this photo.

Another dystopian charecteristic is when the government bypasses problems going on around them and eventually it gets bigger and bigger and there is nothing you can do about the problem anymore. A real world example is global warming. If we keep allowing citizens to pollute the air then the ice caps will melt and the world become unbearably hot.

The example of this from wallE would be when the man who runs the city puts wallE in charge of the trash. And wallE can't do it all by himself and the city turns into a complete dump.

This charecteristic is constant surveillance of citizens and they have a fear of the outside world. The real world example of this is in North Korea where Kim Jong Un tries to run everything and monitors everything they do.

An example of this from Harrison Bergeron is when Harrison stands up and calls himself emperor and then he tries to control everything that the citizens do. "I am the emperor, cried Harrison."

This charecteristic is when citizens are forced to live in a dehumanized state. Which is where the dwelling is quite rough and intolerable. A real world example would be parts of Africa where there is little food and water and it is very hot.

An example of this in Harrison Bergeron would be when he tries to to monitor the people so bad and sets up so many regulations it makes living conditions very brutal for most of the citizens. "Not only were the laws of the land abandoned, but the law of gravity and the
laws of motion as well. " This shows that people have no hope all the land the used to know is now overtaken and gone.

The last dystopian charecteristic is restriction of freedom of thought and action. It is where the people restrict you to certain thing and closes your mind from the outside world. An example of this would be Arab women. The men in their nations restrict women having a say or being free.

Farenheit 451 example is “He felt his smile slide away, melt, fold over and down on itself like a tallow skin, like the stuff of a fantastic candle burning too long and now collapsing and now blown out.” It shows he can't even think anymore because the government made his life miserable.

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