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Early Humans Evolution Project

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by NCSSMphotos

Bipedalism was first seen 3-4 million years ago in Australopithecus Afarensis. This meant that these people's hands were free to do stuff like carry food and see further.

Bipedalism affects modern life because we need our hands free to do stuff like steer a car and play basketball.

Photo by gus_estrella

Fire was first controlled by Homo Erectus in 1.8 million BCE. This new ability allowed Homo Erectus to cook meat, scare animals away, and keep warm.

Control of fire affects our lives because we wouldn't be able to cook s'mores without it.

Photo by Knight725

Cave paintings were invented around 35,000 BCE so that Homo Sapiens sapiens could express themselves.

Photo by Will Folsom

Cave paintings affect our lives today because without it we wouldn't know how to create statues and cartoons.

Photo by Serge Melki


Photo by VinothChandar

Weaving is a form of art that was used to make clothes, baskets, and other useful items. This skill was important to survival because without it they wouldn't have made warm clothes used survive in the colder parts of the world.

Photo by webtreats

Weaving has affected modern life by giving us clothes and arts. We need clothes now for the same reason we needed them 10,000 years ago. And, we also use weaving for cool arts.

Photo by aldoaldoz

Pottery is an art that is used to make cups, plates, and other utensils from clay. People used this skill to make their surroundings prettier.

Photo by Judith(1)

Pottery affects modern life by giving us utensils and arts. These two things are important because without them we wouldn't be where we are now.

Photo by trustypics

Permanent shelters are important because they help people survive by protecting them and giving them a place to store their goods. These houses could help protect them from animals and the weather which meant that they could live longer and pass on more information. This helped them progress towards civilization.

Permanent shelters affect our lives today because they it gave us towers, houses and other useful building that we use everyday. This is important to us because without these towers and other buildings we wouldn't be making progress towards the future.


Photo by Dru!

The wheel was created back in 3,500 BCE. It was first used for pottery made of clay. This invention was important because it helped them move larger quantities of heavy items on wagons.

Photo by saamiblog

The wheel affects modern lives because it is used in most of our transportation. Without the wheel we would still be riding horses.

Photo by COR_Wheels

The first written laws were created by Hammurabi in 1792 BCE. These laws were used to unify and preserve order in his empire. Without the invention of these laws the Babylonian empire would have fallen much quicker.

Photo by kencf0618

Written laws affect our lives today because they are what makes our government. Written laws are important because without them the world would be in chaos.

Mathematics were used to add up the amounts of goods people bought. Without this information people would be able to steal and get away with almost every time. This creation is important because if it wasn't created Sumer would not qualify as civilization and wouldn't be able to do science.

Photo by sam.kronick

Mathematics affects our lives today because we use it in science all the time. This is important because without science we wouldn't have any of the things we have today like space ships, cars, tv, or phones.

Photo by jimduell