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Early Life Of Muhammad Ali

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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BORN IN 570 C.E.


  • Born into a family of peasants
  • Parents died when he was 6 months
  • Lived with grandfather and uncle
  • Traveled to Syria with uncle
  • Christian monk told him that he would be the messenger of God
-Born in Mecca
-Lived with grandfather who supported him and gave him education until age 8 when his grandfather died and he went to live with his uncle
-Uncle and Muhammad traveled to Syria to trade goods where they met a Christian monk.


  • Angel Gabriel
  • Ka'ba
  • Yathrib
  • Umma: community of faithful
  • Commercial ventures and raids
-Angel Gabriel- considered to be an archangel (messenger of God)
-Muhammad said that the Angel Gabriel told him to share faith and "Allah" with others
-Large black rock called Ka'ba, drew in worshipped from all over Arabia
- Remained in Mecca until 622, moved to Yathrib and called in Medina
-In order to keep up economy, they applied commercial ventures and raids
-In 630 C.E. they attacked Mecca and conquered
-They imposed a government dedicated to Allah